On the Blog – January 2018
Summaries and links to blog posts for January 2018
- 8 Books I Recommend – January 2018 (1/29)
Recommended reading from books I finished in January 2018 - Blessed Are the Misfits – Is That You? (1/26)
Are you a perfect fit for your church? None of us are. But Brant Hansen says that is a blessing. Book review of Blessed Are the Misfits. - Advice for All Ages (1/24)
Here are 4 life lessons from Proverbs that are just as applicable for adults as they are for kids. Which one do you need the most? - Raise Your Hand If . . . (1/22)
Averie asked, “Why do people raise their hands at your church?” That’s a good question. How would you answer? - Meet Travis 1. Meet Travis 2. (1/17)
I met two new friends, both named Travis. One was a pastor; one was homeless. What did they have in common? - How to Love Well in Our Culture (1/15)
How can we love with both grace and truth in our culture? It’s more about how we live than what we say. Review of Chris Hodges’ The Daniel Dilemma. - Is This a Throwaway Prayer? (1/10)
She said someone prayed over her 4 years ago. And now this? Why prayer is never a throwaway line. - Not Just for Christmas – Come, Let Us Adore Him (1/8)
This Christmas devotional isn’t just for Christmas. Come, adore Jesus all year-round with this thoughtful 31-day devotional by Paul David Tripp. - Say It More: “I Don’t Know” (And My One Word for 2018) (1/4)
We don’t want to be unprepared. Mysteries can feel dangerous. Start by saying, “I don’t know.” - Five Links, Books, and Things I Love – January 2018 (1/1)
Links and pictures of articles, books, and things I love for January 2018
- 8 Books I Recommend – January 2018
- 5 Links, Books, and Things I Love – February 2018
Wow. The first month is already gone. Reminds me of the Eagles song; “Already Gone”. (Yes, we do have tickets to see them in September) Never did get to hear Glen Frye sing that live.
Good month, Lisa. A common thread in all those posts is that familiar world that is a key word year after year…
I never got to hear the Eagles live. We did see the Black Jacket Symphony version and loved every second of it. You’ll have a blast in September!