Want to memorize an easy Bible chapter?

Want to memorize a Bible chapter? Try Psalm 27!

It’s only 14 verses, but rich ones. Register this week at Do Not Depart and start memorizing one verse per week next Monday, November 10 (with breaks for Thanksgiving and Christmas). See the full schedule here.

You can download free resources to print, join our Hide His Word Facebook group, and/or sign up for Scripture Typer.

Register here now to get all the details sent to your inbox. You’ll then receive an email reminder every two to three weeks with the next verses and bonus memory tips and links.

There is no pressure, but lots of advantages to memorizing with a group. Give it a try!


16 thoughts on “Want to memorize an easy Bible chapter?

  1. Beth

    You know I used to memorize scripture all the time, Lisa. I still have many of those verses committed to memory but I’ve gotten away from this very important spiritual discipline. It’s one that can so encourage me. I remember back when I was memorizing regularly I had to go to my Rheumatoid dr. to get my knee aspirated–not a fun experience! But the entire time he was extracting fluid from my knee, I was recalling the Bible verses one after the other. It truly soothed me in that tense and painful moment, my friend. Thanks for this challenge!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I relate to this, Beth. Although I’ve never had my knee aspirated (ouch!), I have recited scripture in my head during medical procedures too. I’ve had a few MRIs over the years, and those have always been great times to recall Bible chapters (although probably when I do the worst, ha). The Lord’s words never come back empty though; I love and cling to that promise!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I’m so glad, Joanne! I first memorized Psalm 27 a few years back, and it blessed me in many ways. But I’m definitely due for a refresher so I’m looking forward to meditating on it often the next few months.

  2. June

    Such an important spiritual discipline and one that blesses us so abundantly in return! I have the little memory cards by my bed and work through them every night – or try to! Will check out your group – what a great idea! BTW, such a sweet comment you left on my blog today, Lisa. Thank you, you are a sweet friend and encourager! Blessings.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Memorization has been a fruitful discipline for me, one that I never thought I could do. ha. Only with the Lord’s help! That’s great that you keep memory cards by your bed. It does help when we have those physical reminders. Thanks, June, for always being an encourager to me!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I’m excited you’re in with us, Dolly! I know you can do it. The main thing is the time we spend in/with the Word, regardless of the words we memorize. Everybody wins at that.

  3. Jen Ferguson

    As I’ve grown in my relationship with Jesus, I have learned how important scripture is – how it really is a Sword of the Spirit that slays spiritual dragons that breathe fire down my neck.

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