Just One at a Time

How can you, as one person, respond to the massive trouble in the world?

One person at a time.

Keep your relationships strong for the other side. Isolation will end. Relationships don’t have to.

Reach one at a time

Just One?

We can feel disconnected because we’re missing our normal hangouts of work, church, social activities, etc. 

What can you do to make a difference now when the problem is so large?

This is God’s specialty. He knows how to turn hopeless scenarios into extraordinary miracles.

And as God did in the past, He can also do today, using one person at a time.

Here are some things you can do today . . . 

Read it all here, Reach One at a Time for the Other Side

I’m writing today at Do Not Depart. Will you join me there for how we can reach out, one at a time?

7 thoughts on “Just One at a Time

  1. bill (cycleguy)

    Good thoughts Lisa. Several weeks ago I began writing a personal note to each one of the families/people in the church to let them know I was thinking and praying for them. It was long and tedious and time-consuming. I wrote a personal note to each one when everything in me wanted to write something and copy it and glue it in the note card. LOL But I’m glad I did it. I’ll think twice before writing close to 100 notes by hand but at least once I did! One at a time.

  2. Pam Ecrement

    Exactly right, my friend! It can be far too easy to see what “isn’t” in this time and fail to see what “is” available for us to be and do. My daughter and I were talking yesterday and noting that even in this we are living here in the U.S., a first world country. We still have numerous ways to connect and reach out – more than ever before in any other crisis the world or we have faced. The enemy would like to cause us to believe we have NOTHING and NO ONE and some can be duped into actually believing that lie.

    Great post!

  3. Joanne

    I’ve been making more cards and sending more “real” mail in the hopes of letting those know I am thinking of them. Thanks for sharing your ideas with us at Encouraging Hearts and Home. Pinned

  4. floyd

    I don’t know why the other site won’t take my comments? ?

    This helps me get off fence. I’ve been thinking about some old friends and business associates lately. This is going to help me turn my thoughts into actions.

    Thanks to you and Jeff!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Your comment is showing up there now, Floyd. Not sure why it was delayed. Technology, while I love it, can also bring lots of headaches and mysteries.

      Praying God sends you to the right people who need you!

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