Are You More Discouraged or Afraid? – Grace & Truth Link-up


Discouraged or Afraid?

They are two different emotions, discouragement and fear. It’s likely you’ve had a dose of both in the past month.

We can become discouraged when our plans are continuously blocked. And become afraid when we or our loved ones seem in danger.

When faced with either of these emotions, it’s helpful to examine our foundation for hope.

  • What are we believing in?
  • Where does our trust lie?
  • What makes us feel safe?

Our Featured Post

As our featured post today, consider Beth Steffaniak’s questions at her post here,How Much Do You Trust God in Time of Crisis?”

Beth asks us to evaluate ourselves on ten statements, including these three:

3. Even though God may not remove the trials in my life, I’m still confident that He is with and protecting me (Isaiah 43:2).

5. When I feel weak, I take that as my cue to turn my weaknesses over to Jesus for His power to work through them perfectly (2 Corinthians 12:9-10).

8. When troubles come, I consistently remind myself that God is using these times to strengthen my trust in Him (2 Corinthians 1:8-9).

I encourage you to read Beth’s post to find your own weak links to pray about. As she says, “the need to encourage myself (yourself too) in the Lord has never been more needed.”


Thanks for sharing, Beth! Here’s a button for your blog.

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MAREE DEE – Embracing the Unexpected
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LISA BURGESS – Lisa notes
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We pray that Grace & Truth will point you to Jesus. Add your post to encourage others in the Christian blogging community.

1. Follow your hosts on their blogs and/or social media channels, if you’d like.

2. Share 1 or 2 of your most recent CHRISTIAN LIVING posts. (No DIY, crafts, recipes, or inappropriate articles.)

3. Visit and comment on 1 or 2 other links. Be an encourager. Please don’t link and run.

4. All links are randomly sorted. Link early or late. The playing field is even.

To Be Featured:

5. Post the button or link back to one of our hosts. It encourages new participants. (Not mandatory to participate, but required to be featured.)

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6. Every host will feature and promote one blog every week. 

Now Let’s Link Up!

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Do you struggle more with discouragement or with fear? Please share your thoughts in the comments

5 thoughts on “Are You More Discouraged or Afraid? – Grace & Truth Link-up

  1. Linda Stoll

    Lisa, hi! It seems like untended, unresolved discouragement can lead to places of fear. Acknowledging where we truly are without shame or blame or well, fear, can be a helpful companion and a source of empowerment as we move through difficult times.

    Thanks for featuring Beth today. Her questions, her guidance, her passion for marriage is always a blessing.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I so agree with you, Linda. Denying our feelings, or feeling shame for them, doesn’t help anybody. I started reading the sample this week of “Permission to Feel” after hearing the author Marc Brackett on a podcast. So far it is very good; I may have to buy the book.

  2. Beth Steffaniak

    That’s a great question in your title, Lisa! I definitely think I lean toward being discouraged with all the disappointments due to the quarantine. My husband and I, as well as all of our adult children, can easily shelter in place, so that really lowers my worries and anxieties a lot. But my anxieties shouldn’t be lessened primarily by circumstantial blessings! I need to trust God more in both the threats and the losses of life!

    Thank you so much for choosing to highlight me here at your place! You’re a sweetheart! I hope your family is able to shelter in place easily as well.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I’ve definitely felt lots of discouragement during this season too. And grief. So much sadness. Being able to call it by name has helped me to distinguish between the variety of emotions I’ve felt. I’m grateful too that we’ve had it relatively easy here. Jeff is still going to work each day (although he now has to wear a mask all day even while sitting at his desk), but he’s grateful that he still has a job to go to.

      I know God has this, but I need more faith too! Thanks for your consistent gifts to the body of Christ to keep us strong in our faith, Beth.

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