It’s not over

The song had already been planned. Been practiced. And now been sung. It’s Not Over – a powerful one.

But for this Sunday morning, although we didn’t know it yet, it wasn’t really over.

Because God wasn’t finished with it yet.

Everybody’s in the middle of something. All the time. We’ve all got our things. Maybe it’s a chronic ache in the body or an interruption to our plan or a relationship bump we can’t get past.

So my mind that morning was going to my things, wondering how God was going to work them out.

The song was reminding me to keep the spark of hope burning. But what happened next lit it on fire.

As we sang the last notes, Pastor Mark stepped on the platform with intention. He’d heard from Pastor Priscilla. She’d been awake between midnight and 3 a.m. a couple nights earlier and felt compelled by the Lord to look up scriptures on the word “over.”

She’d printed out a list for herself and emailed a list to Pastor Mark. Why? She wasn’t sure, but she was obedient.

And that obedience turned into a word for the whole church.

Pastor Mark invited her to share it with us. When the Word goes out, it doesn’t return void. She encouraged us with verse after verse about God taking us over, him being over all, death having no power over us.

Over and over we heard that when God is in something, it’s not over.

After she stepped down, we sang the song again, this time with new depth and power, believing stronger and wider.

When God is in it
There is no limit
When God is in it
It’s not over, It’s not over

I’ve been singing it in my mind ever since.

May you find hope today in God, too.

“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”
Isaiah 43:19

Here’s the song:

It’s Not Over
Ricardo Sanchez


It’s not over, It’s not finished
It’s not ending, It’s only the beginning
When God is in it, All things are new
I know it’s darkest just before dawn
This might just be the hardest season you’ve experienced
I know it hurts; it won’t be too long
You’re closer than you think you are
You’re closer than you’ve been before


So look to the sky
Help is on the way




Something is moving, turning around
Seasons are changing, everything is different now
Here comes the sun, piercing the clouds
You’re closer than you think you are
You’re closer than you’ve been before
So look to the sky
Help is on the way
Our God is faithful
He’s faithful to say


When God is in it
There is no limit
When God is in it
It’s not over, It’s not over

* * *

33 thoughts on “It’s not over

  1. Mia

    Dear Lisa
    Yes, it is never over when our Lord is part of our life. Even when we die in this world, it is till not over for those who are in Jesus; it is actually the beginning of a whole new way of life! Then we will finally be able to see what has been just been vague as if in a mirror!
    Much love XX

  2. Brother Ollie

    A new song for me. I am part of the worship team, so I really enjoyed your post. I’m always interested on how people react to and relate to songs.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      It was a new song to me last week too but I loved it immediately. The choir picked it up very fast, and the congregation seemed to really feel moved by it as well. The Spirit worked beautifully through it. May God continue to bless you and your worship team!

  3. Hazel Moon

    This post is so beautiful. Yes, there are commas etc, but no period, because the story is not over. God is at work. Thanks for the visit to my post “Hungry.” We have a New Hope Center in our town, so I must see if they can use some of this dog food. I am sure they can. Even the homeless need a dog.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      “…the story is not over.” That’s right. And even then, we know how it ends. I don’t usually jump to the end of a book, but I’m glad I know the victorious ending for us. 🙂

      You’re very compassionate to make the statement that even the homeless need a dog. Not everyone feels that way. In the past I wouldn’t have understood it either. But now I understand. When a stray dog wandered into the homeless camp that I visit, they were all so excited to be able to have it to love on and take care of. It changed me.

  4. floyd

    The supernatural moments in life when God touches us deeply is a thing to be cherished… worth more than the riches of this world… You captured the moment in heart and shared it exceptionally well. Thanks, Lisa.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      It was definitely one of those chill-bumps morning. I know we can’t live 24/7 in those moments, but I sure enjoy them when they come. And the memories of them last and keep faith alive in the darker times.

  5. Dolly@Soulstops

    Thank you for encouraging us and reminding us that it never really is over when God is in it…because Christ is over all…there is always hope in the darkest times…and the more we experience this, it gives us a little more hope to hang onto when we go into another dark time…blessings to you 🙂

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Yes, this exactly, Dolly:

      “and the more we experience this, it gives us a little more hope to hang onto when we go into another dark time”

      Thanks for leaving this thought.

  6. Mary

    This is an amazing post, Lisa…really incredible. The story isn’t finished and yet sometimes I try to force the period where God wants a comma. (See my comment at Jennifer’s place!) I think the Lord is using you and her to speak to me today!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I often try to force the period, too. (I’ll track down your comment at Jennifer’s!) I like to have closure, so it’s been a journey for me to live more open-ended.

  7. Mindy

    So thankful for that hope He brings to our hearts on a daily basis! I love those Spirit-breathed moments in church when you cannot deny God is there.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      “when you cannot deny God is there”

      That describes what happened well, Mindy. I would think even for unbelievers that morning, they had to sense something was happening. Often those things happen in smaller ways, maybe indistinguishable to those of us more hardened to noticing, but God is always working, his Spirit always moving, to say, “Hey, I’m still here!”

  8. Jody Lee Collins

    I love how when God speaks and we listen we can just stand back and be amazed. And your Isaiah scripture??? JUST yesterday I shared that with a girlfriend that was going through something very difficult…she said it really ministered to her. Oh, so thankful–it’s not over ’til it’s over–in Heaven!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Don’t you just love when that happens with a certain scripture? Glad you were able to see this verse again after sharing it with your friend. It really is a powerful verse that can minister to us in so many situations.

  9. emily wierenga

    Oh, Amen. I love that God is not finished yet. This makes me teary. He is still working, and performing miracles, and writing a beautiful story… thank you Lisa for all of your loving messages to me over the past week. They’ve meant the world to me. xo

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I’m glad you got the messages, Emily, because I do think you’re an awesome lady. The blogging world (well, the world in general) can be a messy place, huh? But yes, I also love that God is not finished yet. And the best is yet to come!

  10. Pingback: Saturday Shortcuts | Planned Peasanthood

  11. Betty Draper

    Loved the song Lisa and the thoughts your post brought to mind. Encouraging reminded of what ever God is working in our lives He will bring it to completion and it is not over yet.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      HE will bring it to completion…I need to keep reminding myself of that too–that it’s him that will do it, not me and my little skills. He wants us to use what he gives us, but to still know he’s the one with the power. Thanks for adding to the conversation, Betty.

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