I Don’t Know {Mantra 6}

I know, I know. We like to KNOW things. (And as an Enneagram 5, I really like to know things.) It makes us feel safe and smart. 

But there’s more that we don’t know than we do know.

So we might as well get used to saying this, and saying it a lot:

I don’t know.

Sometimes admitting we don’t know is what leads us to knowing.

When we’re uncertain, we’re more teachable, more tolerant, and more adaptable. In our uncertainty, we give God something to work with.

In the pause, in the lingering space between answers, it’s quiet.

And in the quiet, away from the chaos, untethered from the chain of certainty, we can better follow God’s guidance.

Maybe we still won’t know for awhile.

But unless we admit we don’t know, we may never know.

How often do you say, I don’t know? Share in the comments.

Read More:

You are on Day #6 of the series: Find Your Mantra {28 Daily Mantras}

Find Your Mantra: 28 Daily Mantras

Bad things happen to everyone. So do good things” {Mantra 5}

Empathize with the hurt” {Mantra 7}

9 thoughts on “I Don’t Know {Mantra 6}

  1. Carrie

    So much truth in this statement. Thank you!
    When we’re uncertain, we’re more teachable, more tolerant, and more adaptable. In our uncertainty, we give God something to work with.

  2. Maryleigh

    I used to think when I realized “I don’t know” – that I was behind! Then I’d start kicking myself because, well, “I should have known.” Until God helped me realize that when I realize “I don’t know” – that’s just when class is starting! I’m right on time! It’s been liberating!

  3. Carla

    When I was in nursing school there was an entire class devoted to defining professionalism. What it boiled down to was the ability to say, “I don’t know.” I’ve always remembered that.

  4. Kym

    I’ve often wondered why it seems so hard to say “I don’t know” but I guess it boils down to pride. And yet nobody likes a know-it-all and none of us do know it all anyway! Being able to admit that I don’t know is something I’ve been working on for most of my life, I think!

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