Does God Work Like GPS?

Do you ever wish God worked like your GPS app?

  • Giving you turn-by-turn directions on one screen
  • Showing you the whole route in one glance
  • Offering clear options with respective ETAs

I think I’d like that. 

Or would I?

God works a different way. And because of it, we can let go of our tight hold on wanting to control the future. 

But how does that happen?

Read it all here

God is present

What is your work for today? How do you stay in the now? I’m writing today at Do Not Depart. Will you join me there?

3 thoughts on “Does God Work Like GPS?

  1. Joanne Viola

    Lisa, were you in our car on Wed.? We had to drive to a new to us place and the GPS was on. My husband turned down the volume so he could hear the radio as he just watched the map. I, on the other hand, need to hear the voice 🙂 I asked him to turn her voice back up as when I hear her speaking to me, I feel peace in knowing where I am going. May I fully trust God to speak to me just what I need to know and in that, fully rest.

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