Get to the Point

What Are You Asking?

Was I asking the wrong question?

She wanted to see my Kindle. I turned it on and clicked to the children’s book I had downloaded from the library, Baby Farm Animals.

We got to this page. And I asked my 1-yr-old granddaughter: What are these?

Baby Farm Animals kindle

Her answer was always the same. She didn’t reply: Cats. Or even kittens.

She always answered: Meow-meow. Maybe it’s because she knew what my next question would be anyway:

Q: And what does the cat say?
A: Meow-meow.

So she cut to the chase.

Get to the Point

As an introvert, I like when people cut to the chase. I don’t always appreciate small talk. I prefer a quick journey straight to the point rather than waste time meandering in spirals.

And what is the point?

Ultimately, isn’t it love? We all want to be loved. And we all want someone to love.

Even when we don’t recognize it by name, we feel when we are being loved.

  • Love is when someone chooses to spend time with us.
  • Or gives us something we need. Maybe a physical gift; maybe a hug; maybe an ear.
  • Or speaks uplifting words we long to hear.

Love is the Point

Next, I pointed to myself and asked my granddaughter: Who am I? What’s my name?

She had yet to pronunciate my self-proclaimed grandmother name of “Granna.”

But I was fine with that. Maybe she was just cutting to the chase by giving me hugs. She blew me kisses. She’d get excited when she woke up from a nap and discovered I was still around.

We were both getting the point: I loved her and she loved me. Whether or not she could yet say my name.

Life is too short to miss the point.

  • Be direct.
  • Gather love around you every day.
  • Speak love lavishly to those you know.

Love is the point. It’s always the point.

What’s your love language? How do you show love to others? Please share in the comments.

revised from the archives

11 thoughts on “Get to the Point

  1. Martha J Orlando

    What a sweet story, Lisa! Love is always the point, so let us give it and gratefully receive it each and every day. And I love it when the little ones teach us the obvious lessons we all need to learn. Blessings always!

  2. Lynn D. Morrissey

    Love this, Lisa, and our sweet children teach us about love more than anyone else (and my 30-someting daughter still does). In our zoom Bible study, we are learning about the Epistles of John. A major theme is love. Oh that I would love more and be a reflection of the Lord. He loves us so.

  3. Crystal Green

    I’m like you and tend to get straight to the point when interacting with others. I do not like small talk at all. My love language is physical touch with my husband and with others it tends to be gifts.

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