Follow the Arrows—Grace & Truth Link-Up

Grace & Truth_2020-05-29_Sharon_Follow the Arrows

Attention, Customers

I had heard about the arrows.

Walmart was adding “one-way aisles” in its stores to direct traffic flow. It was one of its safety measures to stop the spread of the coronavirus.

But I forgot about it. I was shopping for groceries as normal, going in and out of the aisles at my choosing.

Until…I looked down. I was going the wrong way.

How had I missed these these huge green arrows on the floor that said “Shop this way” and the big red ones, “Do not shop this way”?

We don’t always like being told what to do. We like forging our own path. We might not even notice the signs anyway. Or if we do, we might not understand why they’re there.

This applies spiritually as much as physically. 

Even though as believers we’re told to keep our eyes on things above, we’re told, too, to follow Christ’s footsteps, which means also looking down.

And actually following the arrows we see.

If we believe God to be good, we can also believe that his guidance to us is good. He is worth following. He won’t lead us wrong.

Compassion > Convenience

Now I’m keenly aware of the arrows on Walmart’s floor. They’re not always convenient; I’m having to take extra steps to enter an aisle from the proper direction instead of weaving in and out like I was used to.

But that’s okay. I’m getting more exercise this way. I still have access to every aisle. And it’s keeping us all a little safer.

The apostle Paul reminds us in Romans 14 to willingly trade in a little personal freedom for the greater good. Following Christ means watching out for each other. It’s for our good, too.

God cares more about our compassion than our convenience. 

I want to follow his arrows.

Our Featured Post

Our featured post this week is also about following Christ’s footsteps. Sharon Hazel writes in “Following the Footsteps” about the painted footprints on her town’s sidewalks, leading children to their new school. And how Jesus leaves footprints for us to follow as well.

Read all of Sharon’s post here at her blog, limitless-horizons.

Thanks for sharing, Sharon! Here’s a button for your blog.

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3. Every host features one entry from the previous week. To be featured, include this button or link back here on your post (mandatory to be featured, but not to participate).

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MAREE DEE – Embracing the Unexpected
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How do you feel about following directions? Please share your thoughts in the comments.


12 thoughts on “Follow the Arrows—Grace & Truth Link-Up

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      “imperfect follower” – That description fits all of us, Michele. Aptly stated. There are no other kinds. Grateful that Christ invites us to follow anyway.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Lol. Yes, that, too, Linda! 🙂 We live on a county line. On one side, I see very few people wearing masks at the grocery stores. On the other side, most everyone wear masks while out. It’s crazy the difference (and sad).

  1. Laurie

    Great post, Lisa. I went back and reread Romans 14. It does apply to our current situation.

    And I did the same thing as you the first time I went grocery shopping in a store with arrows. Oops!

  2. Lauren Renee Sparks

    My husband works for Wal-Mart and I can tell you I went in for a shop and never saw the signs. I was looking up for people and products and didn’t know they were there until He was talking about them over dinner that night!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      That makes me feel much better, Lauren! 🙂 I had heard my daughter talk about the signs earlier at a different Walmart, but for some reason I didn’t even think about looking down until I was halfway through shopping.

  3. Mary Geisen

    God is the best guide I know. I’m not always so good on my own and get tripped up when trying to follow the arrows.
    Thank you for this post and these words——> God cares more about our compassion than our convenience.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I’m not very good on my own either. Today I was shopping at Kroger’s but they had no arrows so it was up to every man to guide his own steps. 🙂

  4. Joanne

    I think most people forget about the one way arrows (or don’t see/notice them!). I do pretty good about remember and following them but I will back track in the same aisle if I forgot something… I just don’t turn my cart around! LOL.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Ha. I’ve done the same thing, Joanne. I’ve also abandoned my cart to just quickly grab the one thing I need on an opposite aisle if no one else is on that aisle anyway. Then go back to my cart. We understand the purpose behind the rules and we’re still accomplishing the goal, right? 🙂

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