Focus on Good Sense First

Seek wisdom to slow your anger

“Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense.”
Proverbs 19:11

Maybe I’ve been going about this backwards. I try to be slow to anger. But perhaps I should focus instead on having good sense.

The order in this verse is “Good sense makes one slow to anger,” not “Those slow-to-anger show good sense” (although that is also true).

Too often I focus on wanting to eliminate the behavior. And become discouraged when I don’t. It’s a rotten piece of my heart that needs excising instead. The piece that doesn’t use good sense.

Good sense (Hebrew: sekel) means intelligence, insight, discretion, prudence, understanding, wisdom.

So seeking wisdom (which, personified, is Jesus himself) is the route to slowing my anger. And the way to become beautifully embellished is to not get hot-headed over every little offense.

Jesus sure didn’t. Even when on trial for his life, his ability to maintain silence and not revert to defending his reputation impressed Pilate (Matthew 27:13-14).

Jesus impresses me, too.

I want to be more like him. That’s good sense.

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revised from the archives


13 thoughts on “Focus on Good Sense First

  1. Michele Morin

    Good thinking.
    The things that make my anger or frustration boil over will reveal what is precious to me. Better to work on having my heart in the right place first than to try to stamp out the negative response.
    Thanks for thinking out loud!

  2. Laura Thomas

    Gosh, I’ve never noticed the wording of that Proverb before… seeking wisdom truly is key. (That Solomon fellow was so smart!) Thanks for giving me food for thought as usual, Lisa 🙂 Stopping by from #saltandlight

  3. Karen Woodall

    Gosh we sure need more believers to live this proverb today don’t we? I mean, sadly, too many of God’s people get caught up in ‘taking offense’ at everything like the rest of the world, instead of offering abundant grace, mercy and doing our best to be peace-makers! Thanks for reminding me that ‘love covers a multitude of sins’ and His love is the only thing that will make a difference in the years to come!

  4. Liz

    I’ve got that same little rotten corner of my heart. I like how you put a positive spin on this not just said it is wrong to get angry, but here’s what to do instead. Being like Jesus does make good sense! Blessings!

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