Find the Hidden Clues: Be a One Word Photo Sleuth
{One Word 2024 May Linkup}

Link all of your ONE WORD blog posts below. Share an update about your One Word in the comments.

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Monthly Challenge: Take Photos

Do you have a phone? Or a camera? Then you are equipped for this month’s One Word challenge!

Be a One Word photo sleuth.

Look all around you for hints of your word. Find them in objects, people, or places. Snap a photo of these things. Include yourself in at least one of the photos!

The more you look for your word, the more you’ll find it.­

Photos with My One Word: Curiosity

Jeff and I vacationed at the beach last week. Here are 3 photos of things that sparked my curiosity while we were there.


Excavator on the beach

I’ve never seen an excavator on the beach before. After storms had shifted sand around, clogging up the outlet that connects nearby Lake Powell with the Gulf of Mexico, this excavator spent the morning returning the sand back where it belonged so that water could exchange freely again between the ocean waters from the Gulf and the coastal dune waters from Lake Powell.


Gabby at Angelo's Steak Pit, Panama City Beach, FL

One of our favorite restaurants in Panama City Beach is Angelo’s Steak Pit. Their steaks never disappoint. But what has always been curiously strange to me is Gabby, an animatronic they’ve had for years in the lobby of the restaurant. Gabby used to talk to you as you walked past him. He always startled our daughters when they were young. Now he’s mute, but he’s still a bit creepy even in his silence.


What you can’t see in the photo is the wild bird that was practically on our heads as we walked out of dinner at Pompano Joe’s in Pier Park. He was sitting very close on a wire above our heads, screaming his little lungs out nonstop, apparently oblivious to the customers that were walking all around him. We stood there for a few minutes and he never let up.

Share Your Photos and Comments

Stay aware this month. And share. We’d love to see where you find your One Word. If you blog, share a post with the photos you take at our blog linkup here.

Also, tell us about your One Word in the comments.

Next Linkup

This One Word linkup will remain open for 2 weeks for your One Word posts, closing at midnight on Friday, June 7. Link as many posts as you’d like about your One Word. Each link will also be shared in our One Word Facebook group

Our June linkup will open on Monday, June 24 (and on the 24th of each month for 2024).

If you’d like to receive our monthly One Word emails and ideas, join here any time of the year.

May you find your One Word as often as you seek it.

What is your One Word for 2024? Where have you seen it? Leave a comment here.

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18 thoughts on “Find the Hidden Clues: Be a One Word Photo Sleuth
{One Word 2024 May Linkup}

  1. Michele Morin

    One discipline I want to cultivate is noticing my surroundings and, consequently, taking a picture of SOMETHING! I’ve been helped by the app we both use that encourages me to capture 1 second every day, and so often I’m just flummoxed by the need to capture an image.
    So I appreciate your encouragement to bring my word into this practice, maybe thinking in terms of, “What has been given (or is being given) in this moment?”

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I understand what you mean, Michele. I’ve just started reading a book titled Being Aware of Being Aware. 🙂 It’s amazing how we can breeze through a day without noticing things. Granted, we can’t notice everything, but I do like to be intentional. There are days with the One Second app that I struggle to find something “video-worthy”. ha. When in reality, just being alive is video-worthy! I love the question you may use to help you.

  2. Dianna

    I promise I haven’t forgotten about my One Word commitment. I’ve been working on a project to feature, but it’s going kind of slow. Hope to be back soon!

  3. Lynn D. Morrissey

    I don’t have a photo of something I personally have seen, but sometimes have a CHOICE as to which road to take on our walks. Which will I CHOOSE? Ah, that is the question. I prefer the roads less traveled. Now where have I heard that before?! 🙂

    Love you, super sleuth, the Christian Sherlock of the blogosphere!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Thanks, Jennifer. It’s been interesting searching for my One Word out in the wild. I’ve discovered the Curiosity pops up everywhere in print! It’s easy to find there. 🙂

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Now that Gabby doesn’t speak, he’s a little less creepy. lol. He would scare the kids when he would start speaking as they walked by, kind of like talking toys sometimes startle me in the toy aisles of stores. 🙂

  4. Linda

    I love the expressions on your faces in the picture when you are listening to the bird. I have a bird that sometimes comes to my yard who is so loud that sometimes I have to cover my ears, so I can relate!

  5. Rowena Anne Newton

    Hi Lisa,
    Sorry to hear you’ve had the excavator at your beach. They were a familiar site at our beloved local beach a few years ago when storms eroded the beach and council needed to replace the sand it was not a straight-forward operation either. We also lost quite a few trees in the storm and it was really sad seeing them lying up upon the sand like wrenched out skeletons. Anyway, here’s a link to my post including the excavator on our beach.
    Home your beach recovers quickly.
    Best wishes,

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I’m sorry to hear your beloved beach had such erosion as well. I guess I should be thankful that at least they can be restore the shore again with the excavators. Thanks for sharing, Rowena!

  6. Kirstin

    How fun!!!! My WOTY is Nourish…Not sure if your One Word is a different word monthly or if you mean WOTY, but what a fun idea. Causing us to be engaged. I like this idea.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Nourish is such a great choice, Kirstin! My word Curiosity is for all year. However, I am choosing bonus words every month to go along with Curiosity, based on a book I’m reading, “Your Heart Was Made for This.” This month’s bonus word for me was (the curiosity of) Ease; next week I’ll start (the curiosity of) Patience.

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