Empty nest, not old one

It’s been over a year now that we emptied our nest (well, except for the dog).

But having no kids in the house doesn’t mean the house is emptied of youthful characteristics, like curiosity and delight and whimsy. They are part of who we are now, regardless of the age or location of our kids.

During the month of October, Iā€™m sharing 31 excerpts from 31 of my favorite books. Today’s excerpt is from a deeply spiritual book on all stages of mothering, from infancy to empty nest. It’s served me well for years.

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Mothering-as-a-Spiritual-Journey-by-Ann-Tremaine-LinthorstExcerpt from Mothering as a Spiritual Journey

Personal, bodily separation from our children does not mean that we become separate from those so-precious qualities of childness that have blessed and enriched our awareness.

This is where spiritual understanding can deliver the most substantial of goods to us. What we loved so dearly in and as our little children were qualities, not small bodies and immature minds.

The qualities of playfulness, spontaneity, innocence, purity, and wonder are as true of Being today as when our children were little.

They are as much in evidence now as then, because qualities are always in the eye of the beholder.

We do not need to lose the eye (I) of quality because the material picture changes.

– Ann Tremaine Linthorst

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Each daily excerpt is also linked on Facebook.

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8 thoughts on “Empty nest, not old one

  1. Linda@Creekside

    This spoke to me this morning. Heaps of truth packed in that one sentence – ‘The qualities of playfulness, spontaneity, innocence, purity, and wonder are as true of Being today as when our children were little. ‘

    I need to sit with this a bit and soak it all in, Lisa.

  2. Mia

    Dear Lisa
    Frederick Buchner once said that we can kiss our children goodbye, but we can never be separated from them, because there lives a world inside if us!
    Blessings XX

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I haven’t heard that Buchner quote; how true it is! Our kids always are with us in many ways, regardless of where they are physically. Hmm…I’m starting to sound like my mother did. šŸ™‚

  3. Barbara H.

    That is a great perspective. I have to admit I do miss the physical presence of little ones – the dimpled elbows and snuggliness and all – but I also like having a more orderly and quiet home now, too, so I guess there are plusses and minuses in any case. But having children did open up (or maybe stir up) so many things to me, like the qualities she mentioned.

  4. Brother Ollie

    An empty nest is a far off dream. I’ll be 61 when I no longer have teens in the house. I like your book reviews. Dietrich Bonhoeffer is something I should tackle.

  5. Pingback: On the blog in Oct '13

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