Do you believe in miraculous healings?


I haven’t figured this out yet. Some people get sick, take medicine, have surgery, nothing works, and they die. Others do the same regimen, and they’re healed. They live to die later of something different.

And others are healed miraculously. Maybe instantaneously, maybe with or without medical intervention.

So as we were learning this song for Sunday morning, I wasn’t sure what to think. While it offers hope to those who need it, and/or confirmation to those who’ve experienced it, what about to those who haven’t yet been healed? At least not in a tangible way? Is it offensive? Is it promising something that God doesn’t?

“Healing is here
And I receive it
Healing is here
And I believe it”

But as we sang it Sunday morning during 1st service, I looked out and saw my friend Vivian.

Her seat has been empty the past few Sundays. Death suddenly took a liking to her three weeks ago. He breathed down her neck out of the blue. He tried to stop her heart from beating. But it kept thumping on.

And today Vivian was back and looking marvelous and giving all praise to God.

So I did, too.

Death had failed again. This time. She was healed, however you want to classify it—medical, miraculous, both.

But death doesn’t give up. He will return for her. For me. For you.

Our healing has to mean more. More than just our bodies.

That’s easier for me to believe. God heals our spirits. He breaks off chains. He ushers our souls into life. Into freedom.

  • Freedom from slavery
  • Freedom from condemnation
  • Freedom from a larger death

When we shed our outer bodies through the passage of time and decay and disease, it means liberty to our inner selves. The healing that God has already begun will be completed.

That is definitely a miracle to me.

So in the meantime, I’ll still sing about healing. I’ll still pray for healings of all kinds—physical, spiritual, emotional, mental.

And when I see healing—of any kind—I’ll still praise God for it.

Not because I understand the ins and outs of it. I don’t. But because I trust the Healer.

Wholeness is God’s default setting for each of us.

  • If not visible, then invisible.
  • If not here, then there.
  • If not now, then later.

I will believe.
Healing is here.

“I reach my hands to the heavens
I lift my eyes where my Help comes from
I look to You my Rock my Healer
I trust in You”

* * *

Have you witnessed a miraculous physical healing? How would you define spiritual healing? Please share in the comments.

46 thoughts on “Do you believe in miraculous healings?

  1. Barbara H.

    I have wrestled with this, too – especially when people like our pastor, who was vibrant and still had a lot of potential for ministry and for good in people’s lives, and a young mom in our church both died last year. She died very suddenly; he died after a brief but wrenching illness despite many prayers. Two things have helped – one was what you mentioned, that healing encompasses more than just the physical and will ultimately be fulfilled both physically and spiritually when we see Jesus. The other is what Rosalind Goforth wrote of when, after recounting their miraculous deliverance from the Boxer rebellion in China, someone asked why they were delivered when so many other weren’t. After some prayer and study they didn’t really have an answer, but they just found that’s true throughout Scripture. James was beheaded; Peter was delivered. The people in the first part of Hebrews 11 experienced miraculous deliveries; the people in the last part of the chapter didn’t.

    I’ve not heard of a miraculous healing in the churches we’ve been in where people gather around to pray for someone and that instant they can get up and walk or feel well. I think it can happen: I’ve just never known of a case personally. I have known of people who were given a grave diagnosis, and after prayer, went back to an amazed doctor who couldn’t find anything on the tests that he had seen before, or people who gradually stopped having a problem.

    I do know God uses illness and even death in others’ lives in a variety of ways. My mom had been hospitalized for congestive heart failure a number of times, and God used it to get her to face her mortality and make preparations, something she had been unwilling to do before. Yet in the end she died very suddenly, and I think that was a mercy, though we regretted not being able to say goodbye – she was getting so depressed every time she had to go back in the hospital, I was glad she didn’t have to go out in a long, lingering decline there.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Such excellent words, Barbara. (I could have just used your comments as the blog post, ha). I appreciate you sharing those examples because we’ve all seen and perhaps participated in huge prayer circles and lengthy months of praying for someone’s healing, only for them to die anyway. Who can explain? Just as in Hebrews 11–we’re not given the explanations, just the examples.

      I’ve not personally witnessed a miraculous healing either but I don’t doubt that they happen. I just think they can’t be predicted. I sympathize with you on your mother’s passing. Sometimes it seems that when a death is easier for the patient, it’s harder on the family, or vice versa. Other times, it’s a gentle letting go on all sides. Maybe later we can ask God—or maybe then the glory of God will make all our questions feel irrelevant. Mysteries abound.

  2. Beth

    I agree, Lisa. We need to pray for healing while on this earth, and rejoice in the Lord when it happens. But when it doesn’t, rejoice that God has provided the ultimate healing in the kingdom of God. I know I think about how great it will be to get a new body someday–no more pain, no more sorrow and a never-ending celebration with sweet Jesus!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I think about that new body too, Beth. I look forward to all the good things that come with that, and the discarding of painful things! So thankful that Jesus understands exactly how we feel about it.

  3. Ceil

    Hi Lisa! I have seen healings from prayer. Not anything like a lame person leaping up, but soreness and sadness being lifted.
    I do think that God can do anything and use anyone. It’s all his call, and I think it’s such a testament to his generosity that he allows his power to work through us. I know there are many who don’t believe in healings at all, and I think that’s because they’ve never witnessed it, or think that God would us in that way. But I believe it, because I’ve seen it, much like Thomas did.
    Thoughtful post!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      You’ve nailed it here, Ceil: “It’s all his call.” Yes. I believe it even though I haven’t necessarily seen it. Thanks for your testimony to its proof!

  4. Sharon

    Years ago, my niece was given a less than 5% chance to live outside the womb. She survived. Then she spent the first 9 months of her life in the hospital. She came home, only to have the medical problem return. She had infections and a blood clot and countless setbacks and complications. I vividly remember the night that my brother went to the hospital to wait for her to die.

    But she didn’t. This beautiful young woman just turned 31. She is the miracle that I have witnessed.

    Now yes, others are not healed in this life, and I don’t always understand why not. But, I know that disease and dying are not God’s Plan A. And, because of the great gift of Jesus’ sacrificial death, we know that whether or not we are healed in this life, we will live eternity in resurrection bodies – full and complete!

    Yes, I receive that!!


    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I was so hoping your story was going to have a good ending—and it did! 🙂 Thankful your niece has been a breathing miracle for 31 years and counting. To God be the glory. Thanks for sharing this and your faith, Sharon.

  5. Bill (cycelguy)

    Some do. Some don’t. i see it as a fact of life. I know God has the power to heal (and no man does). I also know His timing is best. We are told “our steps are ordered by the Lord.” I do think the “name-it-claim-it” people are dead wrong. (I could use other words but won’t). I have seen people with little faith healed and those with great faith not be healed. No one can know the mind and thoughts of the Lord. I need to resign myself to His leading and His desire for me.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Totally agree with you, Bill. Our contentment is found in abandoning ourselves to his divine will. There are too many things that I’m not meant to understand, but I can trust him in the dark as much as in the light. Thanks for sharing your wisdom here.

  6. valerie

    I’ve seen and experieced both physical and spiritual healings at seperate time. I had hip paain and went forward. The man visiting had me sit down.he stated that one of my legs was shorter and asked if I trpped often. I confirmed that I did. He quietly prayed, I don’t remember hearing him. But I haven’t tripped on level ground since then.; almost ten years. About 16 years ago, long story short, I’d given satan a foot hold in my life without realizing it. I started listening to the lies of the enemy and pushed the truth away. I began cussing again and made my husband miserable. This went on for weeks. I went to the doctor because I thought I had post partum blues. He gave me medicine, I heard voices laughing, “Now you have to take pills….” The pills made me tired, and I am irritable when I am tired. One day while trying to pray for someone else at the alter -knowing I wasn’t close to God, I couldn’t even think of what to ask for– a pastor came by. He passed over the woman I had my hand on and touched my head and commanded that my mind be healed in Jesus name. NO ONE but God knew what was going on. I’d learned in Sunday school that morning to thank God for everything from a flat tire that may have kept me from an accident to learning to praise him for anything and everything that He allows into my life. I flushed the pills. Honestly, I was a bit hesitant at first, but I had to trust this was God; no one knew about my mind, the thoughts and voices. I was totally healed. I could share about other things I’ve seen, but this is long as it is.

    I believe that healing takes place when God desires it, knowing his name will be glorified, and his servant is willing to command that the person be healed. The past several years I’ve been reading about healings and studying mostly how Jesus prayed. I’ve observed that the apostles prayed the same way (Silver and gold have I none, but in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth stand up and walk.) They don’t pray like we hear today. In John 5 there were many who were sick by the pool. The more I read it, prayed about it, and thought on it I came to the relization that Jesus was walking with Father (abiding in him just as we are to abide -John 15). I also saw that Father only told Jesus to heal the one (John 5:17-20…..) Jesus listened for instructions from the Lord. He prayed for Father’s will. Healings happened. The women with an issue of blood, Jesus could have let her go quietly, by faith she reached out, it was Father’s will. It was no surprise to God, he allowed it to happen. I have seen God answer prayers when I commanded it to happen in Jesus’s name. I was listening and following His desire, not my own.

    1. valerie

      God lead me to John 12:18 this morning. Verse 49-50 Jesus states, “I have not spoken on My own authority; but the Father who sent Me gave Me a command, what I should say and speak. And I know His command is everlasting life. Therefore, whatever I speak, just as the Father has told Me, so I speak.” This is where I want to be, abiding with God and following all His commands. I don’t want people to see me, but Christ alive in living within me. 🙂

      1. LisaNotes Post author

        That’s what I want too, Valerie. Jesus set the perfect example of what humility can look like, depending on the Father, doing the Father’s will. May it be so more and more with us too.

    2. LisaNotes Post author

      Wow. You’ve had lots of great experiences, Valerie. What a blessing. I appreciate you sharing this here. I am in agreement with you that when God wills it, it will happen.

  7. Joanna Sormunen

    I have witnessed miraculous physical healings. And I have also witnessed other people that were not healed and that I had to let go. I think a miraculous spiritual healing happens every time we come to God and let Him, instead of trying to do things for ourselves. God always does something to us on those moments when we let go and allow Him to come to our lives and take control. Sometimes you can see it right away, sometimes it takes more time.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      While I haven’t experienced or witnessed miraculous physical healings (yet I still believe they happen), I have seen evidences of the spiritual healings that you mention. Lives change, and you know it was God up to something good! Thanks for sharing this, Joanna.

  8. Heather @ My Overflowing Cup

    I love the way you tackled this subject, Lisa. Your words are very wise for a topic that can be divisive and challenging. I think you handled it beautifully. He is our Healer. The how’s and why’s belong to Him. Love it!

    Thanks for sharing!
    May He continue to fill your cup to overflowing!

  9. Teresa R

    I have experienced physical & spiritual healing and I have seen other physical healings- one was my 1st husband whose arm was broken in a vehicle accident; when he got to the hospital there was no evidence of the break. I also believe that death of a believer is also a healing, the ultimate healing

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      What a beautiful thing you witnessed with your 1st husband’s arm. I just finished reading 90 Minutes in Heaven, and your story reminds me of some of the things that Don Piper said. “I also believe that death of a believer is also a healing, the ultimate healing” – me, too! Thanks for sharing, Teresa.

  10. Michele Morin

    Oh, this is a tough one, and I have had more than one wrestling match with God over it because He doesn’t seem to preserve life on a “merit system.” After thrashing around, I always come back to the truth that His thoughts are higher than mine, and His ways higher — so much so that they are inscrutable to my human prejudices, preferences and values. If I could dictate to Him who should be healed, He wouldn’t be God, would He? Thanks for your thoughts this morning, which I’m reading at the Soli Deo Gloria link up!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Such a beautiful response, Michele. It ultimately comes down to just trusting God, doesn’t it? It sounds simple but is often so hard. I’m thankful for his grace with us when we are “thrashing around.”

  11. Dionne

    Oh, how my family has struggled with “healing” and “not healing” so to speak in the past 10 years! My hubby has yet to see physical healing and things keep piling up that he deals with! I am not saying he won’t be healed, but what if he isn’t? I definitely don’t understand why some receive physical healing and others don’t. Unfortunately, I have heard Christians be cruel and say that so and so needs to believe greater-have more faith. Oh, brother!!! So not appropriate.
    Perhaps, it is less about expecting physical healing and more about the fact that NO matter what, we can expect/and it is a fact that God is who he says he is and he won’t change on us! Jesus offered us the greatest gift-forgiveness, cleansing, hope, and communion with God forever. And yes, spiritual renewal, healing, and joy. I am with you that we should praise God no matter what-“…though he slay me, yet will I hope in him…” Job 13:15

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I have heard remarks like that too, Dionne, and it breaks my heart. The last thing a person in pain needs is for someone to accuse them of being too weak in faith to be healed. Jesus healed many who didn’t even know who he was, so it wasn’t their strong faith that cured them.

      Anyway, as I’ve already said, I don’t understand it all either, but like you said in your last sentences, I also believe that deep spiritual healing is available to all of us, and for that I am grateful!

  12. Mary Geisen

    I absolutely love that wholeness is God’s default setting for each of us. God chooses to make that look different for each of us but He still is working for us at all times. I am blessed by your words and your deeper look at healing in all areas of our lives. Blessings!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Wholeness does look different for each of us–nice insight, Mary. Maybe that’s why we don’t always recognize it when we see it in others, but it is always a beautiful thing once we do really see.

  13. Kristi

    ” If not visible, then invisible.
    If not here, then there.
    If not now, then later.”
    Love this ^.
    I don’t understand either, although I believe in healing here as well as healing in heaven. #GoJesus.
    Visiting you today from #TellHisStory.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Thanks, Kristi. I’m glad I’m not alone in my confusion. 🙂 But one day we will understand and have that complete healing there to finish up what He’s already started here. Good times ahead as well as now.

  14. Monica Kaye Snyder

    I am a woman who has had nineteen surgeries in 39 years. I will need more. I am chronically ill. He formed me in my mother’s womb with DNA that had a glitch. He wasn’t looking away. He was paying close attention. My favorite thought on healing comes from St. Augustine. “The whole purpose of this life is the healing of the heart’s eye through which God is seen.” I know for sure God still works miracles. My daughter Danica is one. But I also know for sure He is telling me to “Go, Be Well” even in this broken body. I’m so glad to find you here from #TellHisStory.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Oh wow! I appreciate you sharing these words and that piece of your story, Monica. Very powerful testimony from your own personal experience, the best kind. Thanks for leaving this gift with us here.

  15. June

    Your posts are always so thought-provoking and insightful, Lisa! I often have to come back, when I have time to really read, and digest them. The good thing about that is, I’m often late to the party and get a bonus section of great comments from your readers, lol!

    Your post was spot on and I agree with much of the conversation here. I would have specifically commented what Bill said, and what Heather said, so there is no need to repeat it here.

    You truly have a gift, Lisa, to tackle all types of powerful, sometimes uncomfortable subjects and do so in a non-threatened (yet Truthful) way that encourages conversation. I truly wish I had more time to “hang out” in your corner, friend!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Aw, I really appreciate your encouragement, June. This means a lot to me. I wish I had more time too to hang out at other blogs and soak in the wise words that so many brothers and sisters share around the world. The whole internet thing is still a crazy ride for me. ha. Loving it.

      And I so agree with you about the great comments from other readers (including you!). You all add so much more grace and knowledge to every post.

  16. Betsy de Cruz

    I so appreciate your honest, authentic thoughts on healing Lisa. I think you hit the nail on the head when you say it all comes down to trusting the Healer and what He wants to do. I experienced a SEVERE onset of rheumatoid arthritis when I was 28, so severe that you would have imagined I’d be in a wheelchair for sure now at 50. I took medicines for 1 year, but I also experienced 2 or 3 miraculous healings of joints in response to prayer/God’s healing presence. I felt a peace to stop taking the medicines, and I have been fine ever since. I try to keep a hold of that wonder: being able to walk is a miracle for me! (whether God used medicine or Holy Spirit power!)

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Chills reading this, Betsy! Such a miracle you experienced. I do believe! I love that you still hold on to that wonder, too. What a loving witness you are to the goodness of our God. Thanks for sharing this.

  17. Kelly Chripczuk

    What a wonderful conversation you started, Lisa. My friend’s son – the same age as our twins – was just diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes last week. I’m feeling the weight of that illness and life change for her and know we will have lots of tough conversations about how it is that illness and healing weaves its way through our lives and what it’s like to walk with those who carry extra burdens. I believe in healing, but with all things related to the divine mystery, realize that my knowing, my belief, is incomplete, my comprehension so very limited. Be blessed! and thanks for linking with #SmallWonder.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      My prayers are with your friend and her family as they deal with such huge lifestyle changes. I really can’t imagine all the changes that diabetes entails (and I hope I never have to know it personally). I’ll also pray for you and the conversations you will have with your friend. Hard mysteries like that really work on developing a deeper faith….

  18. Mindy

    I have seen people healed and believe that God does heal (physically as well as spiritually) but don’t understand why some are healed on Earth and some are healed with a new body in Heaven. I continue to pray for people to be healed but know that God, in His infinite wisdom, holds our lives in His hands and have to choose to trust that His ways are higher than mine. Honest and thoughtful post!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I’m on the same page with you, Mindy. I’ll keep praying for healing for others, too, but just leave the outcome with God. I’ve seen people lose their faith when they pray for healing, and it doesn’t come in “time” and/or in ways they can see. I don’t want that to happen to me.

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