What’s happening in June {Daybook}
I am thankful . . . God loaned us the original Maya Angelou for 86 years.
I am wondering . . . how many other Maya’s are out there. Great advice here from Glennon Melton to find yourself a Maya to follow and be a Maya to someone behind you.
I am appreciating . . . the wisdom Maya left behind. Three of my favorite pieces:
“When you get, give. When you learn, teach.”
“I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better.”
“I come as one, but I stand as 10,000.”
I am thinking . . . I might like to do this soon: tour Amazon!
I am going . . . to finally transfer our home VHS videos to DVDs before they’re totally unwatchable (but only a few at a time because I need assurance it’ll work before I hand over all those precious memories)
I am looking forward to . . . our annual summer book club with the family girls. This year we’re reading Beth Moore’s So Long, Insecurity and after our first meeting this week, I realize I have a lot more insecurities than I thought!
I am (also) reading . . . Everything Belongs by Richard Rohr (and these) and it is SO insightful about our relationship with God and others
I am pondering these words . . .
“God is always bigger than the boxes we build for God, so we should not waste too much time protecting the boxes.”
– Richard Rohr, Everything Belongs
In my Bible journal . . . this week I’m in Job (I’m using the CEV this go-round).
“You will rest safe and secure, filled with hope and emptied of worry” (Job 11:18).
We always keep something in us. Must empty out the junk (worry) so we will have room for the good (hope). Let so much hope come in that it pushes out all the worry.
I am listening . . . to Jason Gray’s older album A Way to See in the Dark (loving it!) and also his newest single “With Every Act of Love” from his latest album Love Will Have the Final Word
“God put a million, million doors in the world
For his love to walk through
One of those doors is you”
[Click here if you can’t see the video]
I am studying . . . John 15 and memorizing it with this group of awesome people
A few plans for this weekend . . . helping with a 5K race on Saturday to benefit orphans and foster children, locally and nationally. Our worship ministry will be wearing #TeamReggie bracelets to encourage one of our drummers on his #WhenIGetFit journey as he runs his first 5K.
A couple pictures to share . . . I’ve thoroughly enjoyed having my two girls and s-i-l visit the past few weekends
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What are you looking forward to in June?
The Simple Woman’s Daybook
…where every day is a blank page
past Daybooks
- Insomnia isn’t punishment {Finding Spiritual Whitespace}
- God is present now
Lisa, that Amazon tour sounds so cool! Thanks for sharing the link about it! I am headed to Amazon now to add two books to my wish list….the Beth Moore book on insecurity and Everything Belongs. They both sound like great books! I always enjoy your daybook entries.
The Beth Moore book has been an enjoyable read so far, but also eye-opening to all the forms insecurity can take. I’m recognizing myself in several places.
The Richard Rohr book is packed full of insights. He’s a deep man. I hope to go back through it soon and do a review on some of my favorite parts.
I’m guessing your Amazon wish list is probably as long as mine. 🙂
Is it June? Really?
I still can’t believe it’s 2014. 🙂 Tomorrow my first-born turns 25 yrs old. I feel like *I* should still be 25.
You’re a busy girl. Love those quotes by Maya. Wisdom has a way of leaving it’s fingerprints. Enjoy the time with your girls!
I’m thankful that Maya left her fingerprints in lots of places. I was looking back through pictures yesterday of our time in New York a year ago, and one of the pics was of a Maya Angelou quote on the Brooklyn Bridge. She was everywhere.
I definitely enjoyed having my daughters home every chance I can get! Hope you’ve enjoyed some R&R this week.
Love your post! So inspiring! Have a blessed weekend!
Thanks, Ashley. I did have a nice weekend–it flew by though! Praying your week ahead goes smoothly.
Grateful for Maya and that Rohr quote…Enjoy your time with your girls…lovely photos 🙂
There are always so many more quotes I want to share. ha. I just finished Rohr’s book and it’s just a treasure trove of insightful paragraphs! Praying you have a blessed week ahead, Dolly.
Hi Lisa! Some years ago, my brother and sister attended a weekend retreat with Richard Rohr in New Mexico. I think he’s from there? They bought me a series of tapes on the subjects he covered, and I really like his voice and attitude.
I like the way you said that God lent us Maya Angelou. I have to read that book “I know why the caged bird sings.” I have heard so much about it, I think it’s time to get to the library!
Thank you for sharing your photos, I always love that! So glad your event had a good day!
I am looking forward to seeing my sister next weekend. She is coming in to visit with my Dad for Father’s Day. And at the end of the month, my daughter and her girls are coming for a week! Her husband is a chaperone for a high school mission trip, so she decided to camp out at our house. Fun!
Yes, I think Richard Rohr is in the Southwest. How wonderful that your brother and sister got to spend a weekend with him! I would love that. I’ve not heard him speak; I need to find a YouTube video.
Hope you enjoy the visit with your sister this weekend and your daughter and girls later this month. I think my two daughters are finally connecting tonight for some time together in south Alabama. Sisters need to stay close when possible! I have two sisters that live within 30 minutes of me, and I should see both of them tonight at our book club; I’m happy about that. 🙂
God is always bigger than the boxes we build for him…YES! Love that whole quote. I’ve been on vacation and just returned this past weekend. Yesterday was Amy’s birthday, so I wasn’t on the computer – that seemed to be what I needed to do yesterday. I was gone when my post went up at Michelle DeRusha’s place and I had no internet, but wanted to say thank you for reading and commenting on that post and for sharing your story about Kali with me. I love you, Lisa! When are we connecting in real life?????
That box quote keeps coming back to bless me–I love it too!
Happy birthday to Amy! Do you do anything special on her day? I usually lay low on Kali’s birthday and just hang out with Jeff and avoid other social contact if possible. ha.
I would love to connect with you in real life, Mary! Hopefully our paths will cross somewhere soon.
Everything Belongs is one of my favorites and I underlined so many passages. AND I didn’t know about the Amazon tours. When I read it, I thought you meant touring the Amazon River in Brazil. LOL. really I did.
Love the Maya quotes too. We too have transferred VHS to DVD and even my dad’s old 8 mm film to DVD. fun to watch again and be able to move to new technology.
Thanks for the inspiration tonight.
I’ll pass on visiting the Amazon River. ha. I lack the adventurous genes that that would require. But the Amazon here–it’d be good to see where so much of my money goes. 😉
I’m not surprised you love Everything Belongs too! I definitely see it as a re-read book.
I’ve gotten my stack of VHS tapes ready; now the next step will be actually taking them in. Hope to do that next week. I had other tape formats too; thanks for planting that seed that I could get them transferred over too!