Day 30: Closer than your phone (+ video) {Tools for memorizing}
Repeat 3-5 times, twice a day.
6 “Shout, and sing for joy, O inhabitant of Zion, for great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel.”
Isaiah 12:6
Practice using 1st letters, twice a day.
6 “S, a s f j, O i o Z, f g i y m i t H O o I.”
1 You will say in that day: “I will give thanks to you, O LORD, for though you were angry with me, your anger turned away, that you might comfort me.
2 “Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and will not be afraid; for the LORD GOD is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation.”
3 With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.
4 And you will say in that day: “Give thanks to the LORD, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the peoples, proclaim that his name is exalted.
5 “Sing praises to the LORD, for he has done gloriously; let this be made known in all the earth.”
Isaiah 12:1-5 (ESV)1 Y w s i t d: “I w g t t y, O L, f t y w a w m, y a t a, t y m c m.
2 “B, G i m s; I w t, a w n b a; f t L G i m s a m s, a h h b m s.”
3 W j y w d w f t w o s.
4 A y w s i t d: “G t t t L, c u h n, m k h d a t p, p t h n i e.
5 “S p t t L, f h h d g; l t b m k i a t e.”
1. Share this message with somebody else.
What in your verse stands out the most? How can you encourage somebody else with it?
When I heard Beverley reciting Isaiah 12 in her beautiful British accent, I decided to get brave too and make a 1-minute video of Isaiah 12 (but alas, replacing her lovely accent with my Alabama one).
[click here if you can’t see the video]
2. Practice the whole chapter in Scripture Typer.
Try typing verse 1 through verse 6 without stopping, using the “Review all verses combined together” option.
* Pack verses to go.
If you’re a family that travels for holidays, you may want to take memory verses with you. Make use of your time together in the car to hide God’s truths together, as a family, to enhance both your relationship with God and your relationships with each other.
Like me, you may have a Bible app on your phone that’s with you all the time. Why memorize anything when you can look it up? I ask myself that question.
My answer is because we need the truths even closer than our phones. We don’t want to outsource the words to our device. We want them inside of us. In our hearts, in our heads, in our lives, not just on our phones.
Our phones’ batteries may die; our wi-fi connections may fail; our YouVersion apps may crash.
But the Spirit inside of us isn’t dependent on anything exterior to us. He is a power greater than anything man can create, and it’s him that we want to stay connected to.
- Memory verses on the road
- Printable of “Memory verses on the road”
- Benefits of memorize larger sections of scripture
* * *
Can you make a video or audio to share of your memory chapter? Please share in the comments.
- True priority of our day – To know God
- Day 31: Keep moving forward {Tools for memorizing}
Oh, thank you for sharing your video! I was blessed to hear these precious words, and as a “Northern girl” I love also hearing your beautiful Southern accent! 😉
I have not been completely successful with Isaiah 12–I LOVE it, and it’s short–but have SO much going on I have not given it as much time as it needs in order to get it firm. But I am just going to keep reviewing it. I think I have the first three verses pretty firm–need to firm up the last three!
You make me feel better, Susan. 🙂 I’m always hesitant to put myself out here on video, but I do enjoy hearing other people when they do it. It adds another level of connection when we get to hear what each other sounds like. For better or worse. ha.
I’m glad you’ll be continuing on with Isaiah 12 because I agree there’s so much to love about it. (Including its short length, being honest). You’ll eventually get it.
But even when we don’t get every little preposition or adjective, it’s God and our desire to glorify him that sinks deepest and finds a home. I’m so grateful for that!
oh what a lovely way to wrap up 31 Days … to hear your sweet, southern voice share this chapter which is becoming more and more familiar to my mind and soul!
i’m about half way through, but no rush. this passage will be sticking with me forever.
thanks, Lisa, for taking us to His Word this month. you might never know til heaven how many people were inspired by your prompts …
weekend rest to you!
“i’m about half way through, but no rush.” – That’s the attitude, Linda. 🙂 This is no sprint event. It’s a long, sweet soaking of Spirit in spirit. I’m so thankful that you were here for the journey with me. Thank you, friend, for all your encouraging words.
Dear Lisa
Sorry I fell behind with your blog! 🙁
I caught up just now and consequently overloaded. You have so many good ideas and make so many good points in this series!
When I was an academic I had a colleague who scorned learning facts. He would wave his arms at all the books on his shelves and say, “the facts are there, why waste time learning them?” As long as they’re in the books on the shelves, they are isolated and inert. They only come alive when they are in your head, where they can stretch out, mingle, and even breed.
No apologies necessary for falling behind. Daily is a lot to keep up with. 🙂 I appreciate the analogy you make with your colleague and the books on the shelves. Knowledge on the shelves doesn’t make our life more fulfilling…but in our heads and hearts, it makes a vast difference.
Good points about the need for memorizing. I loved your emphasis through this series that it’s not just the process and the mechanics, not just doing it because it’s something Christians should do, not just the goal of getting it perfect, but rather memorizing as a way to meditate in God’s Word, be drawn closer to Him, learn more of Him, and let His truth sink deeply into our hearts and minds.
Thanks, Barbara. I need those reminders for myself as much as anybody. It’s easy for me to get caught up in a process, going from step to step and checking off boxes as “success”, but I want to remain aware of the “why” behind the “how.” And as Packer would approve of, the why is ultimately always to know God.