Day 26: Expect to use again later {Tools for memorizing}

We add our final verse of Isaiah 12 this week.


Repeat 3-5 times, twice a day.

6  “Shout, and sing for joy, O inhabitant of Zion, for great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel.”
Isaiah 12:6


1  You will say in that day: “I will give thanks to you, O LORD, for though you were angry with me, your anger turned away, that you might comfort me.
2  “Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and will not be afraid; for the LORD GOD is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation.”
3  With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.
4  And you will say in that day: “Give thanks to the LORD, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the peoples, proclaim that his name is exalted.
5  “Sing praises to the LORD, for he has done gloriously; let this be made known in all the earth.”
Isaiah 12:1-5 (ESV)

1  Y w s i t d: “I w g t t y, O L, f t y w a w m, y a t a, t y m c m.
2  “B, G i m s; I w t, a w n b a; f t L G i m s a m s, a h h b m s.”
3  W j y w d w f t w o s.
4  A y w s i t d: “G t t t L, c u h n, m k h d a t p, p t h n i e.
5  “S p t t L, f h h d g; l t b m k i a t e.”


1. Review Isaiah 12:1-5, twice each day, using 1st letters.
Say Isaiah 12:6, three to five times, twice each day.

Place your 3×5 card for Isaiah 12:6 where you’ll see it frequently.

2. Look up the root words for your new verse.

The more you learn about a word in its original language, the deeper you’ll tap into the meaning of the passage. And the more likely it’ll embed its way into your heart. See the roots for Isaiah 12:6 here at StudyLight.

Some words that stand out to me are . . .

  • “inhabitant” = yashab (H3427) = to dwell, remain, sit, abide
  • “midst” =  qereb (H7130) = midst, among, inner part, middle
  • “Holy” = qadosh (H6918) = sacred, set apart

3. Download desktop wallpaper

Isaiah 12:6


[click here to download]


* Use your memory verse to focus.

In our age of multiple distractions, it’s easy to let our minds wander here and there. But memorizing scripture is one way to reign in your mind for a set period of time. In Five Steps to Meditating on the Bible, Kristen Wetherell says,

“As wayward humans with many pursuits, temptations, and people vying for our attention, we are greatly helped by meditation, which leads us to fix our eyes on the Lord and tune out distractions . . . even if only for five or ten minutes.”


One of the beauties of scripture memorization is that even if you don’t need the words now, you will likely need them later.

And when you need them, there they’ll be. Because our God is like that. He goes before us and behind. He prepares us for what’s ahead. He wastes nothing.

Learn the words now. But expect to use them again later.


* * *

Has scripture ever popped into your mind when you weren’t expecting it, but really needed it? Please share in the comments.


4 thoughts on “Day 26: Expect to use again later {Tools for memorizing}

  1. Sharon

    My Bible Study group is studying Beth Moore’s, “Breaking Free.” The video we watched the other day of her teaching struck me on several points. But one point that she made that I’m really pondering is the fact that the enemy cannot read minds. Therefore, as Beth said, it’s crucial to say things out loud. There is nothing, perhaps, more powerful than the words of Scripture uttered out loud! And yes, there will always be a *day* coming when we’ll need that mighty weapon! (My day is probably today!)


    1. LisaNotes Post author

      *Today* is usually the day I need scripture too. 🙂 It amazes me how often I need just the verses I’m learning; God has a way of doing that, supplying us just what we need, right when we need it. I’m glad he’s speaking to you through the Breaking Free study. I’ve heard such good things about that.

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