Can a Book Make You Do Something?

Read and Forget?

Is reading a waste of time? I’ve always been an avid reader. I enjoy books of all kinds. Some books I read and immediately forget. That’s fine. We all need entertainment in the moment, and not everything is worth remembering.

But other books?

They consume me as much as I consume them. Because they’re not just supposed to be read. They’re supposed to be acted upon.

The Do Books

My book club recently finished a book in the Do series. Have you heard of them? There are 38 books (so far) about a wide array of topics. They are intentionally about more than just reading; they nudge you to do something with what you’re reading.

Here are some of the short Do books:

  • Do Story: How to tell your story so the world listens (Do Books Book 5)
  • Do Sourdough: Slow Bread for Busy Lives (Do Books Book 6)
  • Do Pause: You are not a To Do list (Do Books Book 19)
  • Do Photo: Observe. Compose. Capture. Stand out. (Do Books Book 27)
  • Do Bitcoin: The future of money. And what you need to know. (Do Books Book 34)
  • Do Conversation : There’s no such thing as small talk (Do Books Book 38)

When a book motivates you to act, it becomes a multifaceted experience, changing you as you experiment, learn, and grow.

Read Then Do

The Do book my book club read was Do Walk: Navigate earth, mind and body. Step by step. (Do Books Book 30). The author Libby Delana told how taking a walk every day changed her life. She gave helpful tips about starting a similar practice in your own life.

Did it work? It did for me. While I’ll not commit to the daily or extreme walking that Delana does (and she doesn’t push that), I have noticed I’m taking more walks, more often, after I read the book than I did before. And the best part? It’s been easy. With just a slight shift in my morning routine, and no other preparation or planning, I just go do it.

I love when reading a book can do that. (And it doesn’t have to be in a Do series for that to happen.)

In the end, reading isn’t only about knowledge you learn, but about actions you take.

So, the next time you pick up a book, ask yourself: What will I do with this book, and what will this book do with me?

Has a book ever prompted you to change? To take an action? Share in the comments.

Read more about reading:

7 thoughts on “Can a Book Make You Do Something?

  1. Dianna

    Well, as you know, my friend, I also LOVE to read. And it just so happens that I just finished a book that has caused me to begin making changes in my life. By the way, the book was a recommendation from you…Atomic Habits by James Clear! I love it when books inspire me to that degree.

    I’ve not read any of the DO Books…in fact, this is the first that I’ve heard of them, but I definitely want to check out a couple that you mentioned here, (Do Sourdough for one) and look up the list of all of them to see what else I might want to check out.

  2. Jean Wise

    Never heard of the DO books before but will check them out. The Do Pause one interests me. I do walk most days and feel better because of it. I think the book that change me was Fosters The Celebration of Discipline as it gave voice and value to spiritual practices in my life and set me free to explore and learn more of them. Happy weekend!!

  3. Lory @ Entering the Enchanted Castle

    I don’t think books can MAKE us do things but they can definitely inspire us to take action. I find reading stories of people who have made changes that improve their lives inspiring, for sure! It is seldom I can take their changes into my own life without adjustment, but books have definitely had an influence on my actions as well as my thinking.

    Making sourdough bread was one thing I did, after reading not just one book but lots of them. Then I wrote my own book because all the information was conflicting and confusing!

    Walking more is a great thing to do.

  4. Steph@Crazylittlelovebirds

    Lisa, thank you for sharing. I just checked out the e-book for _Do Walk_, by Libby DeLana. I go on daily walks, and I’m always up for reading a new book. This is perfect. I’ll add it to my daily walks. Thank you for sharing the Do Books with us at The Crazy Little Lovebirds link party #52.

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