7 Books I Recommend—February 2021

Books are the treasured wealth of the world and the fit inheritance of generations and nations.
—Henry David Thoreau

Below are 7 books I recommend from those I finished reading in February. See all my recommended books here.

7 Books I Recommend-Feb 2021


1. Funny How Life Works
by Michael Jr.

Funny How Life Works video review

Michael Jr. is a clean comic. This book is a collection of his funny stories, but also of life lessons. I’m on the launch team for his book, which has been extra fun. The book will be available April 13. Preview it here

2. Charitable Writing
Cultivating Virtue Through Our Words
by Richard Hughes Gibson

Charitable Writing

This isn’t a book explaining how to write, but about why to write. It presents writing as a spiritual discipline for you and as a blessing for those you write for. Excellent. 

3. Invisible Women
Data Bias in a World Designed for Men
by Caroline Criado Perez

Invisible Women

If you’re a woman, you already know the world isn’t designed exactly for you: seat belts don’t fit you right, public transportation can work against you, medicine dosages aren’t adjusted for you, etc. This is an eye-opening book to explain lots of little things we may have noticed, but couldn’t quite articulate.

4. Difficult Conversations
How to Discuss What Matters Most
by Douglas Stone

Difficult Conversations

This book is 20 years old and I’m only now discovering it? It’s an incredible resource for how to improve your conversations. I’ve already had an opportunity to try it out (I discovered I need to look back at my notes). 

5. Humor, Seriously
Why Humor Is a Secret Weapon in Business and Life (and How Anyone Can Harness It. Even You.)
by Jennifer Aaker and Naomi Bagdonas 

Humor, Seriously

If you need to find more humor in your life, this is a book to help you uncover it. It’s not a funny book per se (although it does use humor all through it), but it reminds you to look for reasons to laugh. I needed this one after our year of 2020 and the first two months of 2021. 

6. Apollo’s Arrow
The Profound and Enduring Impact of Coronavirus on the Way We Live
by Nicholas A. Christakis

Apollo's Arrow

This book was written and published quickly about the worldwide pandemic that we’re living through. It’s full of fascinating statistics and explanations, while leaving room for ever-changing circumstances and updated knowledge. Fascinating. 


7. 11/22/63
by Stephen King

11-22-63 Stephen King

As you can guess from the title, this novel revolves around the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963. But it also takes place in modern times. I won’t spoil the plot if you’re unfamiliar with it, but I thoroughly enjoyed it, despite it being SO long (850 pages). It isn’t scary or gory, which is the only reason I could read a Stephen King novel, although it is full of suspense. 

Reading Now

  • Irresistible
    Reclaiming the New that Jesus Unleashed for the World
    by Andy Stanley
  • Faith after Doubt
    Why Your Beliefs Stopped Working and What to Do about It
    by Brian D. McLaren
  • Journey to the Cross
    A 40-Day Lenten Devotional

    by Paul David Tripp
  • Staring at the Sun
    Overcoming the Terror of Death
    by Irvin D. Yalom
  • Chatter
    The Voice in Our Head, Why It Matters, and How to Harness It
    by Ethan Kross
  • The Sum of Us
    What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together
    by Heather McGhee

What good book are YOU reading this month? Please share in the comments.

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More books I recommend

16 thoughts on “7 Books I Recommend—February 2021

  1. Rebecca Hastings

    Charitable Writing sounds like a very interesting take on a writing book. I love the little encouragement you gleaned from it and shared!

    As for 11/22/63, I didn’t read the book, but the show was excellent!

  2. Barbara Harper

    Charitable Writing looks interesting. I eyed Journey to the Cross, but ended up choosing a different devotional for this season. maybe some day I’ll get to that one. The humor book looks interesting, too.

  3. Anita Ojeda

    How in the world are you writing book reviews AND your excellent series on bias?! I had to drop my book reviews for the month ?. They all sound like great books. Just wondering if Stephen King believes it was a conspiracy ?. Asking for a friend.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I may not write again for weeks once February 28 comes. lol. Well, I don’t think I’ll be giving away any spoilers about the book since it’s been out for a few years and there has been a TV series about it already, so I’ll tell you–Stephen King left it open throughout the book that there was a possibility of an accomplice, but through the eyes of the protagonist, in the end he assumed that Oswald likely acted alone. He wasn’t adamant about it though. You’re free to add to the theories if you have one! 🙂

  4. Laurie

    I had to laugh when I read your review of “Invisible Women”. I want to add “comfort height” toilet seats to the list. Really? Comfortable for whom??? Thanks for the good reviews. You always give me items to add to my TBR list.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      That’s a great question. 🙂 For some reason, I’ve drawn to business books, depending on the exact topic, because they often contain beneficial life lessons that can be applied across a range of circumstances. “Humor, Seriously” definitely fits the bill here.

    1. Lisa notes

      I’ve never read any of King’s other novels. I assume he is too scary or gory for my taste. But this book was only suspenseful, so it was safe. 🙂 I did read his nonfiction book, On Writing, and it was well done.

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