An Extraordinary Letter in the Mail

It seems like nothing out of the ordinary.

  • Write the words in a letter.
  • Lick the envelope closed.
  • Add a U.S. postal stamp.

But a walk to the mailbox is monumental when you’re sending your love.

Image: An Extraordinary Letter in the Mail

Putting our heart into the world is risky. It makes us vulnerable. It opens us up to rejection in a way that feels dangerous.

We never know how our love will be received.

Will it be appreciated, as a valued letter to be treasured?
Or will it be dismissed, as unsolicited junk to be thrown in the trash?

Yet still.

We do it.

We take our chances and spread our love and hope for ripples to reach the right person in the right place at the right time.

Eventually we all do it. Risking to love is a process we trust again and again and again. From the first person to the last, we all sooner or later pull our heart out of our soul to lend to another body, and hope our heart finds its new home in gentle hands.

As Brian McLaren says,

“To trust in the process is another way of saying to trust in an intelligence wiser than current human intelligence, to trust in a love deeper than current expressions of human love, to trust in a desire stronger and wiser than current expressions of human desire.”

This dare to love—with no backup plan—is our act of faith, our test of courage, our practice of giving.

And then, in life’s neverending goodness, maybe love will circle back around and return to us, completing the cycle.

I place the white envelope—my tangible trust—in the black mailbox. I raise the red flag to signal the mail carrier. Come pick up my heart today. Send it into the world. 

It may be camouflaged as a simple letter in the mail. But it holds all my love. Handle with care.

Any time we share our heart, in whatever way we send it, is no ordinary thing.

Love is always extraordinary. 

What daring act of love (and EVERY act of love is brave and generous and good) have you given or received lately?

Share in the comments.

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13 thoughts on “An Extraordinary Letter in the Mail

  1. Barb Hegreberg

    Oh Lisa, I love this so much!

    I love sending & receiving personal snail mail! That’s why I joined the “Love Notes” community last year.

    An encouraging text message or a warm hug are also very welcome in my world.

    IMM #15

  2. Lynn D. Morrissey

    I’m a letter-writer from way back. And yes, each letter is written with love, and each has been received as such. But once, I dared *finally* penning a letter to a lifelong friend who had distanced herself from me for reasons I will never know. It wasn’t obvious at first, but eventually, I caught on, and without her saying it, she was letting go our dear, dear friendship of more than 30 years, and obviously, *me* right along with it. I continued to mail b/day cards and Holiday greetings. I prayed. I stewed. And finally I put my heart on paper, and told her I loved her, but I sensed things had changed. I told her I didn’t know why, but also that I was a sinner. I told her if I’d sinned against her, I was not aware. Still, I told her if I had, to please tell me. I told her I would readily apologize and seek forgiveness. I tried one last time, and so I put that letter in the postbox, and lifted the flag. And then, I waited …. About a week or so later, I received a LONG love letter from her, an apology, telling me I had not done a thing…. that whatever the distance was (and yes, I was right in sensing it) was on her part, resulting from some difficult times she was experiencing. She welcomed me back into her life with open arms. We were never quite as close as we had been, and she lived now in another town (not too far away, but far enough to make casual lunch dates and get-togethers impossible, sans pre-planning), but our friendship was intact. We could still talk about anything. My friend died suddenly this past February, and just three months after her beloved husband, whom we all loved. I’m so glad I risked love, Lisa. And whatever risk you’ve made in love, I pray will be returned. Often when we share our love from a posture of humility and sincerity, it is returned; if not, then we have the true satisfaction of having done the right thing. Giving our love (unless it is some kind of verboten relationship) is never wrong. God is love, and when we love, we emulate Him.

    And I just happened to think: He even sent us a 66-book love letter to beat all love letters! 🙂

  3. Lynn

    Letting our love out into the world feels risky for our fragile hearts. But God…He knows, doesn’t He? He draws us in to be fully be satisfied in Him, so we can give away selfless love — for Him, with Him, and in Him.

  4. Donna

    Lisa, such a sweet perspective, I don’t think I will view the little red flag on my mailbox in quite the same way! I always feel very vulnerable when I place a letter there, for I know my heart is bundled in the little envelope.
    I have placed a good many in my mailbox.
    I am still waiting many a day for some to circle back.
    But perhaps God will see fit to complete the circle in His way and His time. My only task is to send my heart a journeying, for it is His hand that ultimately bears it.

  5. Paula Short

    Lisa, I have to comment again to say how touched I am by this post. I appreciate you sharing these blessed words here immensely. Much love my friend.
    Thank you for linking up with Sweet Tea & Friends this month.

  6. Aritha

    When I stopped using Instagram, I started writing postcards to a few people, with whom I had a nice contact on Instagram. And then wait until a card comes back. How long does the journey from the Netherlands to Australia take… I have to wait and that is good. Just like in the old days when I was a teenager.

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