Why Don’t We Share Our Good News? 3 Myths to Debunk


God wants stories told about His Son.

Four writers gave narratives of Jesus’s life through the gospels (literally, “good news”). We know them as the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

But now God wants to hear your words.

Immediately we make our excuses. We each have our own reasons for not sharing the good news.

Could Luke also have had reasons not to tell the story? Perhaps. Yet he told anyway. We can, too. Here’s how.

Read it all here:
Debunking 3 Myths about Sharing Our Good News

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Do you have a favorite New Testament Gospel book? We’re exploring New Testament writers at DoNotDepart this month.

Will you join me there

10 thoughts on “Why Don’t We Share Our Good News? 3 Myths to Debunk

  1. Michele Morin

    My NT professor (long ago) called Mark “the best gospel,” so I’ve had that ringing in my ears for decades, but I don’t think I’m sold. I like different view points for various reasons. If I want narrative, I tend to go to Luke. If I want Jesus’ teaching, I tend to go to John. For some reason, I like reading the Christmas story in Matthew, and if I want economy of words, well, I go to “the best Gospel.”

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I appreciate how you can go to each gospel for a unique perspective. If I was forced to choose an overall favorite, I’d probably pick John, but yes, they all are special for their own reasons. Thanks for sharing, Michele!

      1. Nicki Schroeder

        I think if I had to pick one I would choose John too, but am so thankful that I don’t have to do that and we can enjoy ALL the Gospels WHENEVER we want! So blessed to have the freedom to choose and to read our Bibles here in America.

        1. LisaNotes Post author

          I’m grateful for that blessing, too, Nicki! And not only do we have access to all these books of the Bible, we have access to so many different translations as well, including the original languages if we dare to learn them. 🙂 God is a very big God.

  2. Trudy

    This is so encouraging, Lisa. I think I’m too stuck on Myth #2 that I’m not good enough. I LOVE this – “But Christ’s goodness is what counts. Not ours.” Amen! I need to remember that. Thanks for adding a ray of sunshine to my day, my friend. Love and hugs to you! Happy Mothers’ Day!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I’m glad this resonates with you, Trudy. #2 can get me as well. There are so many ways I can fill in this blank: “not ___ enough.” So thankful that WE don’t have to be enough, but Christ is all. Have a great weekend celebrating moms as well!

  3. Ifeoma Samuel

    Dear Lisa, I love it when you write devotionals ?
    This is deep!
    I have never seen this…you have a eye for Bible Studies, Lisa.
    Thank God for Luke. Yes, he detailed the journey of Jesus in a remarkable way but I never knew he never met Jesus ?
    Many Blessings to you

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