We Have an Anchor – Hebrews 6 {Day 3 of Practicing Hope}

The Bible is full of scriptures about hope. We’ll look at several throughout this series on “Practicing Hope.” Get all the posts here.

Download this image [click here to get the instagram version] to help you remember to use hope as your anchor in this new week. Memorize it to more fully embed it into your heart.

Hope as an anchor for the soul Hebrews 6

Also, look around you this week to discover anchors in clothing, jewelry, tattoos, advertising, etc. Every time you see an anchor, thank God for being your hope, your anchor, in every storm. Read this for more on anchors as symbols of hope.

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Do you have any jewelry or clothes with an anchor? Please share your thoughts in the comments.


4 thoughts on “We Have an Anchor – Hebrews 6 {Day 3 of Practicing Hope}

  1. Lynn D. Morrissey

    Lisa, what Bible translation did you use for Hebrews? I don’t currently have tangible anchors, but now that I think about it, I may have had some on a sweater I wore when expecting Sheridan. Will have to ck out a photo. 🙂 Oh my gosh! Just ck’d and anchors are the trim on the entire “sailor” collar–a big collar and lots of anchors!!! That is really neat. I love that photo. And in retrospect, God ultimately gave me hope throughout my pregnancy. I had shared a snippet of my abortion story here in your hope series, and “part 2” is that I became pregnant at forty, and was scared to death and resentful. Though by this time I understood the heinousness of my sin of abortion and had asked God to forgive me, when I was faced with the prospect yet again and some nearly twenty years later, I panicked. Abortion (despite all I knew and had experienced through it), tempted me again. It was not an easy time (and subsequently meant many changes for me, like leaving a career to which God had called me and which I loved, among other things. Don’t mean that to sound selfish, but it was a HUGE adjustment, plus my physical fear of pregnancy and birth now compounded as a much-older mother). But Jesus was my anchor throughout (not the word I used back then), but I have tears again (you have to stop making me cry!!) 🙂 when I realize He did give me hope through my repentance (not committing the same terrible sin twice), and hope throughout the pregnancy that He was with me and would see me through and (somehow!) equip me for motherhood. Sheridan is a beautiful twenty-four-year-old who is loving and compassionate and a beautiful, God-fearing human being. I adore our daughter. We hope in a LIVING Hope, Jesus, and He will never leave us and see us through every storm. And He promises to bless our obedience, and will continue to give us hope through it. Yet again, dearest Lisa, thank you for sharing!

  2. floyd samons

    I’m with Lynn; I don’t know the clothing line, but I have a few shirts with anchors on it. I’m on the look out for anchors now knowing the Christian heritage they can represent. Thanks to you…

  3. Anita Ojeda

    I don’t have anything anchorish around the house (we live far from the ocean…if we lived closer, I’m sure I’d having something ;). My ‘anchor’ is my Bible–I turn to it daily and extra times when I’m feeling adrift.

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