Throw Your Rock in the Water: How Small Actions Create Big Ripples
{My One Word of the Year}

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.”
– Anne Frank

Throwing Rocks into the Water

When you throw a rock into a calm pond, the splash you create puts energy into the water. That energy then spreads out in ripples, moving in circles far beyond the spot where you threw the rock. Even after the rock has disappeared beneath the surface, the ripples keep traveling outward.

This natural phenomenon is more than just science; it’s a metaphor for life. Our actions—big or small—create ripples that affect the world around us.

This is what I want to be more aware of and intentional about in 2025—Ripples.

The Power of Small Actions

It’s easy to feel like small things don’t matter. We’re often drawn to big dreams and grand gestures because today’s tiny actions seem too insignificant.

But what if, instead of downplaying our baby steps, we view them as movement creators?

Why Small Steps Matter:

For better and for worse, we’ve all seen how the impact of one small action spreads out—just like ripples in a pond. They matter. Why? Because . . .

  • Small actions are manageable and sustainable.
  • They build momentum over time.
  • They inspire others to take action too.

Intention Instead of Control

One lesson I keep coming back to in my life is this: we can’t always control the outcomes of our actions, but we can better control our initial action, more carefully choosing the pebble we want to drop into the water.

What I Can Control:

  • The pebbles I choose to drop in—the actions I take each day.
  • The energy I bring to those actions—compassion, kindness, and love.
  • My awareness of the ripples created by others—their influence on me and my response.

What I Can’t Control:

  • How far the ripples travel.
  • Who they touch or how they’re received.
  • What happens after the ripples fade.

This perspective is freeing to me. It reminds me to focus on the present moment, to act in alignment with my values, and to trust that the ripples will take care of themselves.

January’s Focus: Practicing Awareness

To start the year, I’m committing to being more aware of the ripples I create and the ones I experience from others. My plan includes:

  • Weekly Journal Reflections – Writing about actions I’ve taken and effects I’ve noticed.
  • Ripple Activities – Practicing small, intentional acts of kindness, like writing thank-you notes or offering encouragement.
  • Mindful Observations – Paying attention to how others’ actions affect me and learning from their examples.

I want these habits to anchor me in the present and remind me that even the smallest efforts can have lasting impact.

Letting Ripples Do the Work

One thing I love about the ripple effect is that it doesn’t require constant effort. Once the rock is thrown, the ripples spread naturally.

This takes the pressure off me, allowing me to focus on doing my one thing well each day instead of wasting energy trying to manage the outcome.

We all have rocks to throw into the ponds of our lives—actions, words, and choices that create ripples in the world. What rock do you want to drop in this week? Even the smallest pebble makes waves.

Don’t wait for the perfect moment to make a big splash. Trust the ripples to carry your kindness further than you can do on your own.

What is one small kindness you can drop into the world this week? Have you chosen One Word for 2025? Share your thoughts in the comments.

Ripple - Read more here

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31 thoughts on “Throw Your Rock in the Water: How Small Actions Create Big Ripples
{My One Word of the Year}

  1. Martha J Orlando

    How I love the word you’ve chosen for 2025, Lisa! I’m pretty sure about my word for the year, but will be taking intentional time this week before I announce it. May all your ripples touch everyone for the better. Blessings!

  2. Trudy

    I no longer choose a word, Lisa, but I truly admire your commitment. And I love your word! And for the encouraging reminder that even one small kindness can make a ripple in someone’s life. Thank you for all the ripples you have sent my way touch my heart for the better! Love and blessings for a Blessed 2025!

  3. Lisa D.

    My word for 2025 is perspective–to take into account both my own toward a specific situation and that of others. Being mindful of perspectives before I speak or take action on something, hopefully will afford me greater understanding, patience, and compassion. Happy New Year!

  4. Writing Sparkle

    Lisa, I love your word/intention for 2025. Ripples, that is powerful and beautiful. I still need to set my word/intention for this year, and you have inspired me to get that set. Thank you.

    Happy New Year.

  5. Lesley

    This sounds like a great word for the year, Lisa! I like that it involves being intentional but also accepting a lack of control. It will be interesting to see how the word impacts you this year. My word is Still. I plan to share more on Monday.

  6. Jean Wise

    What a wonderful creative word!! I can’t wait to see where this leads you. I think my word will be courage. One that found me, I didn’t choose. One that scare me a bit too. I plan to write about it soon on the blog and begin to walk with it into 2025. will be interesting to see where it leads.

  7. Lois Flowers

    “Ripple” is a wonderful word and I will look forward to reading how it plays out in your life! Still working on a post about my new word … at this rate, I will be happy to get it done in time for the linkup on Jan. 25 (groan). 🙂 Happy New Year, friend.

  8. Corinne Rodrigues

    A beautiful word choice, Lisa. You already create such positive ripples that they touch this woman all the way in India and many more I’m sure.
    Wishing you all you need to make this year a meaningful and peaceful year for you!

  9. Jennifer Wise

    What a great word for the year! I’m glad you pointed out what you can and can’t control, too–that’s always a hard one for me. And I appreciate the reminder to trust the ripples when I’m doing what I can in my circles of influence. My word this year is FOCUS, only because I *am* in so many circles of influence–I have 3 part-time jobs I love, I volunteer in my church, I lead my alumni association, etc., and it’s easy for me to get a bit overwhelmed. I do better when I can focus and be present for each responsibility, so that’s my word for the year. 🙂 Visiting from Senior Salon Pit Stop.

  10. Sue from Women Living Well After 50

    Hello Lisa what a wonderful WOTY. Ripples and it’s effects can make such a difference and I look forward to reading more about your WOTY during 2025. I like that you shared what we can and can’t control. Too often we worry and focus on things that are out of our control and that takes the joy out of our lives. Happy New Year and thanks so much for sharing with us at our #WOTY2025 link up. x

  11. Christie Hawkes

    I love everything about this, Lisa, from looking at small steps as movement creators and shifting the focus from outcomes to actions and intentions…those things we can control. Wishing you the very best in 2025. My mantra for this year is, “I am open and receptive to all possibilities.” When I think about this, I am not envisioning so much big leaps or changes, but more those small steps, beliefs, points of view…the little things that have big ripples.

  12. Linda Schueler

    I am a strong proponent of small acts matter, as well as change at the community level, and so I love your word and your post about it. I look forward to reading about the how the word ripples plays out this year.

  13. Kym

    I love this very creative WOTY and the reminder that even small actions can have real and lasting impact. That’s encouraging to me as I chose the word Practice for this year. Hope you send out lots of positive ripples in the year ahead!

  14. Debbie Harris

    Hi Lisa, a fabulous word and your descriptions of ripples is perfect. Very insightful and deep but suitable for everyday things as well. Small acts matter and your post shows this so well. I look forward to seeing how you go in 2025. Thanks for joining us for this linkup and for your facebook page which I enjoy.

  15. Lynn Simpson

    I love your description of ripples. Remembering how my actions create ripples helps me to much more intentional when interacting with others. I look forward how the focus on this word shapes your year, Lisa!

  16. kirstin troyer

    I loved this!!! Some really good food for thought.

    A gentleman we listen to on a podcast ends each episode with this quote: “Participate in love, do the next right thing and trust the ripples”. William Paul Young.

  17. Debbie-Dabble

    What an inspiring WOTY…I was very aware of the ripple effect last year when my husband passed away suddenly after a 5 week illness…So many people were effected by his passing, not just my little family…My great nieces regarded him like a grand father and the youngest ( 15) could not even go to school for 2 days afterward, his beloved Wilkes Barre Scranton Pens hockey team which we had season tickets for for 25 years even reached out to me along with their mascot…From friends at our church to neighbors, former co workers, co workers of my sons…..It was amazing… and something I will never ever forget…My WOTY is HOPE…HOPE for it to be a better year as I not only lost my husband but a beloved cousin and my sister’s husband in less than 4 months, had my best friend diagnosed with aggressive uterine cancer and a family member diagnosed with a neurological chronic disease…I will try to find JOY in every day which is my Theme for the year and as I find out what my new life will be like I want to THRIVE in 2025….Thanks for sharing!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

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