Their Delight Is Precious Love
—Grace & Truth Linkup

Our little grandson Henry turned two this week. He had a fun “choo-choo” party last weekend. His little friends came and big friends, too. He received gifts he’ll love and play with for months ahead.

But two of Henry’s biggest fans weren’t at the party.

Yet they showed him their love in big ways anyway.

My daughter Jenna and I deliver meals on Monday to disabled residents in town, but the food isn’t the first thing people look for when they see us coming. It’s Henry. He’s the main attraction. Each week our friends are more excited to see Henry than to receive a meal.

Last Monday, two of the women on an upper floor were eagerly anticipating Henry’s arrival because they knew it was his birthday week. They each had bought him gifts, despite being on limited incomes themselves. They practically raced each other to see who could be first to give their gifts.

Their delight at his delight was priceless.

This is precious love.

“Loving others and allowing yourself to be loved are the only things that matter in this eighty-trips-around-the-sun adventure we call life,” writes pastor Josh Graves in his newest book, The Simple Secret (I hope to read it soon!).

Also in the book Josh quotes this definition of love that Scot McKnight told a group of fellow pastors:

“Love is a rugged commitment to be with someone, to be for someone, unto Christlikeness, for as long as it takes.”

Loving like this isn’t always easy. Love can be complicated and difficult and draining at times.

But if love is the meaning of life—and I believe it is—then loving is always worth it.

May we keep giving and receiving love more and more each day of our lives.

Where have you seen love lately? Share your thoughts in the comments.

I’m linking at these blog parties


Grace & Truth Featured Post

One way to love more is to love wider. In our featured post this week, Michele writes about growing in wisdom by looking for—and finding!—diversity in her not-so-diverse area of Maine.   

“The input of others, the influence of time, and the grace of God introduce a kind of humility appropriate to a time-bound creature like me.”

Read all of Michele’s post about giving up our need to “be right” at her blog, then link up your own blog posts below.

A Fable About Beginning to Overcome Our Need to Be Right

Review the rules here about adding your most recent Christian Living posts and how to be the Featured Post. Visit all four hosts social media here or websites here: Maree Dee, Lisa notes, Lauren Sparks, Tammy Kennington.

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12 thoughts on “Their Delight Is Precious Love
—Grace & Truth Linkup

  1. Susan Reichard

    Reading your post on loving others meant so much. God has taken my loving to my cancer group. I immediately sent a new email to a friend who is suffering, missing her daughter’s wedding, her husband went to the “destination wedding” and I wanted her to know and feel loved and prayed upon. Love to Sue!

  2. Joanne Viola

    Such a sweet story, Lisa. It is amazing how children bring cheer to everyone. Henry has already begun to minister to people without even knowing it! Happy Birthday, to Henry!

  3. Tammy L Kennington

    I want to squeeze those adorable cheeks! I’m so glad you had such a special time with Henry and the quotes you shared are beautiful. Happy birthday to your precious grandson!


  4. April J Harris

    Lisa, this is such a beautiful, heartwarming post. Thank you so much for sharing it with Hearth and Soul. I am sure Henry, and you and your daughter bring a great deal of happiness to those you serve with the disabled residents. Happy Birthday to your precious grandson!

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