Make a Spiritual Growth Notebook + More – Coming Soon

Make a Spiritual Growth Notebook

  • How do you keep track of your spiritual history?
  • Your Bible notes?
  • Your memory verses, prayer lists, spiritual milestones?

While we often keep up with our medical histories or educational records, we often neglect documenting what God has done in our spiritual lives.

In less than a month, the Enjoy the Word 2019 Conference will begin, April 23-25.

Enjoy God's Words Conference make a spiritual notebook

I’m excited to be sharing a break-out session there on “How to Make a Spiritual Growth Notebook.”

We’ll learn how to create our own notebooks to keep up with our spiritual timelines, sermon notes, book studies, etc. By proactively remembering God’s faithfulness in the past, we grow our faith in God for the future.

Remember the past

Physical reminders of spiritual truths

$10 Off Now

If a conference from home interests you (it’s all online!), get your ticket to the Enjoy God’s Word Conference in the next few days by April 1 while it’s still $10 off. On Tuesday, April 2, the early-bird pricing goes away.

There will be over 20 sessions to watch and participate in, plus 6 sessions by Katie Orr on Philippians.

To celebrate, Katie Orr is giving away a free swag bag with goodies on her site. Your chance to win is here.

More Sessions

Here are a few of the other sessions. Once you purchase your ticket, you own all the sessions for a lifetime. You’re free to watch or rewatch them anytime from your own computer. You’ll also receive a digital viewer’s guide to accompany each session.

  • From Bitter to Better
Kela Nellums

Learn how to stop complaining about your circumstances, quit comparing yourself to others, and start allowing God’s Word to give you new perspective.

  • Across the Gap
    The Value of Multi-Generational Bible Study
Teri Lynne Underwood

Exploring the biblical framework for and real-life value of engaging in multi-generational Bible study. This session includes ideas and tips for connecting women across generations.

  • Transforming Our Thought Lives to Places of Hope
Lara Williams

Understand the power of your thought life and receive practical training in taking your thoughts captive to truth.

  • The Comfort of God’s Word in Our Loneliness
Amy Hale

Learn how to discover the hidden blessings and powerful lessons in your lonely seasons of life, through God’s greater perspective.

  • Keynote Sessions on Philippians
Katie Orr online womens conference sessions

This six-part teaching series will help you understand the key passages in the book of Philippians.

* * *

Questions or comments? 

I participated in this conference last year and really enjoyed it the sessions and the live Facebook groups. I look forward to spending time there again this year.

20 thoughts on “Make a Spiritual Growth Notebook + More – Coming Soon

  1. Michele Morin

    It’s great that you’ll be teaching folks how to document their spiritual journey. It’s well worth doing, and I keep thinking that I need to make time to go back over some of my journals to re-learn or to rejoice!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Relearn or rejoice—I love that, Michele! Those are definitely things we can do when we look back on our spiritual timelines and see the works that God has done. It’s always a beneficial practice.

  2. Betsy de Cruz

    Wow, this looks like a great conference! I’m so glad you’re going to be teaching on how to make a spiritual growth notebook! Journaling has helped me grow so much! Blessings on your preparation, friend!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Thank you, Betsy. I’m excited about the opportunity to share. I keep different sections of my notebook active in different seasons, so it’s always a work in progress. 🙂

  3. Barbara Harper

    I remember you having a post or two on this a while back. How neat to be able to share that with so many others! I just started doing a simple bullet list from my Bible/devotional/spiritual reading to help cement it in my mind and heart. It’s amazing how often various readings intersect on the same day.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I love when those readings intersect. That always amazes me, too, although by now I should expect nothing less from God, who is able to weave so many threads together into a beautiful tapestry. A bullet list is a great way to keep up with those nuggets God gives us.

  4. Kristi Ann

    Wonderful and Great Christian Speakers!! God Bless You All Everyone in Christ-Messiah Jesus-Yeshua and Your Families and Friends!!

    Love Always and Shalom, YSIC \o/

    Kristi Ann

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Thanks, Kela. Your session on overcoming bitterness stands out to me because it’s a lesson we all have to continually work on! I know it will be a blessing to all of us who hear!

  5. Laura Thomas

    I’ve never even thought of documenting spiritual growth! Great idea. The nearest I get to that is journaling devotions, and I find that super encouraging. Sounds like a super conference, too—hope it goes wonderfully! Stopping by from #faithnfriends… Blessings to you!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Journaling devotions is a great spiritual practice, Laura! That’s exactly the kind of things I put in a notebook so I can find them again later. Blessings to you, too!

  6. Lesley

    Sounds like a great conference! Writing things down is something I’ve always found helpful and it is amazing to look back and remember what God has done and see how we’ve grown!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I’m definitely one who likes to write things down to help me remember. Or nowadays, type them up. 🙂 I don’t want to forget the lessons that God has worked so hard for me to learn.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Thank you, Jerralea. I’m really looking forward to the conference and all that I’ll learn there from others, without having to even take a shower and get dressed up. lol.

  7. Laurie

    Oh, Lisa, the Online Women’s Conference sounds very exciting! A spiritual notebook is such a good idea. I keep my own notes online, but they are in a very messy haphazard format, very unorganized. It’s very difficult to look back and track my spiritual progress. A notebook sounds like a wonderful idea! Good luck with the presentation!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Thanks, Laurie! I still have quite a few haphazard areas too. 😉 But in the areas that I’m organized, it makes such a huge difference. I’m drawn to organization and if I had more time and energy, I’d organize even more things. ha.

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