Put the Decision Behind You

“Life is a matter of choices, and every choice you make makes you.” —John C. Maxwell

How We Make Decisions

Some people hate to make decisions and procrastinate as long as possible. Some people will make a decision but then change their minds again and again.

And some of us just want to get the decision over with as quickly as possible and never look back.

I’m more in the latter category. I don’t like having decisions looming ahead of me. The uncertainty of NOT deciding makes me more anxious than the decision itself.

Choose Life

So when I was deciding what to memorize next, this text in Deuteronomy appealed to me.

“I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live.”
Deuteronomy 30:19

I decided to memorize it along with the other verses in Deuteronomy 30:11-20.

And thankfully, many in our memorizing community at Do Not Depart—Hide His Word—have made the same decision.

For ten weeks beginning September 25, we’re choosing to learn one verse a week (with a week off for Thanksgiving). And with this challenge, Do Not Depart is also offering a short, weekly Bible study to coincide with each verse. The context study worksheet is available now.


Decision Made

Once made, it’s a big decision we won’t have to make again, even though we’ll have smaller decisions to make each week (Will I practice the older verses? Will I study the context? Will I recite it to someone aloud?).

I know we can’t make all our decisions ahead of time. (And sometimes we DO need to change our minds even after a decision is made!)

But if we can make a decision ahead of time, I’m comfortable with that.

I made a decision years ago to choose Jesus. That decision has made a lot of other decisions fall into place. It means that I also choose love. Choose life. Choose grace.

It doesn’t mean it’s easy. Or even necessarily clear. And I still mess up often.

But sometimes getting one big decision behind us helps us make the smaller decisions with more confidence.

* * *

The invitation to memorize this text is open to you, too. There’s no glory in deciding yes; no shame in deciding no. Just an offer. Get more details here if you’re interested.


What’s your decision-making style? What’s a helpful verse you decided to memorize? Please share in the comments.

28 thoughts on “Put the Decision Behind You

  1. Lesley

    I agree, I prefer when I have the decision made! I love that chapter in Deuteronomy and would love to memorise it at some point but I decided after doing the Colossians 3 challenge that I wanted to try and learn Romans 8 by the end of the year. I’m finding it quite tough just now, but still just about on course! Thanks for your encouragement to memorise passages of Scripture like this.

  2. Barbara H.

    I like to have decisions behind me, but I tend to agonize over them and feel compelled to explore every angle and think and rethink. But sometimes the factors are clear and the deciding is easy.

    I love what you said about the decision to follow Jesus and how so many other decisions fall into pace after that one, and that even though it’s not always clear and we mess up, we continually choose Him and His ways.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I do like when all the information is available and clear too, Barbara. I wish life always worked that way. 🙂 When it occasionally does, it’s so satisfying to make a decision and move forward in complete confidence.

  3. Carol

    Choose life – a few years ago my school had that theme for the year. We worded it as Choose Today, but based on that verse, and it made such an impact on me. Every.single.day we must choose. Choose Him. Choose Life. Thanks for putting that back into my consciousness today!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Ooh, I love the theme of Choose Today. Sounds like it made an impression on you if you remember it even years later. Usually themes don’t stick with us that long unless they mattered! Thanks for sharing that, Carol.

  4. Alice Walters

    I also tend to be decisive, Lisa. Years ago I read a reflection on the Dueteronomy text. The author said we should consider it a grand opportunity to “Choose Life!” Why would anyone want to do differently?

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      “A grand opportunity” – what a blessing that we are given that opportunity! We don’t always view it as such, but it is indeed a gift of grace from God. Thanks, Alice.

  5. Michele Morin

    Like you, I don’t like to delay in making decisions.
    But, I want LOTS of information before choosing.
    And so glad that I have the option of joining with this community in memorizing Scripture. The accountability is very helpful.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I like to have as much information as possible before choosing too, Michele. 🙂 Unless it is TOO much information, then I get overwhelmed and just want to make the decision as quickly as I can or just forget it altogether. ha.

      I’m very glad that you’ve chosen again to join us in memorizing scripture! I love the encouragement you give to us all along the way. Thank you for exercising that gift of the Spirit.

  6. Trudy

    I love your commitment to memorizing verses, Lisa. I tend to be indecisive in some areas where my insecurities sway me back and forth. I love and second Andrew’s comment. Blessings and hugs!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Yeah, my speed or lag probably depends a lot on what the decision is about—you make a good point, Trudy. When we don’t feel confident in a particular area or the stakes seem high, it is definitely hard to be decisive. On our anniversary trip a week ago, I had the hardest time helping Jeff make decisions about where we would go and what we would do. I just wanted him to decide and I would agree to it. 🙂 In the end we both gave input, and it turned out well.

  7. Theresa Boedeker

    Love that Deuteronomy quote. It reminds me that my decisions are either moving towards life or death. My decision making style is to second guess some of my decisions. Especially ones that have no clear answer or I don’t feel strongly about.

  8. Linda Stoll

    Everywhere I go today, I’m seeing encouragement to grab hold of our choices. Your post is the icing on the cake, Lisa

    There’s nothing like the relief after a decision is made. Sometimes I just can’t make them soon enough.

    ‘Choose life’ impacts us in countless ways that breathe hope, grace, strength.

  9. Deborah

    Love the opening quote, Lisa. And like you, I prefer to have decisions quickly made. Congratulations on your decision to memorize the Deuteronomy passage. Thank you for sharing and the reminder to “choose life.”

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