More blesssed than Mary?
I think about Mary a lot in December.
How blessed she was to carry the Son of God in her body! Then later to kiss away his ouchies, to tie his sandals, to tell him the family stories. Such an incredible gift she received.
But something even more unimaginable has happened to me.
27 As [Jesus] said these things, a woman in the crowd raised her voice and said to him, “Blessed is the womb that bore you, and the breasts at which you nursed!” 28 But he said, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!”
Luke 11:27-28
More blessed than Mary?
Yes. Not only do I get to learn about the Word, I’m allowed to have him live in me far longer than Mary’s nine-months’ gestation. I get to keep the Word forever.
That’s a gift worth delighting in year round!
* * *
- Top 10 books of 2013
- My reading list December ’13
Amen. Forever, forever and amen … Praising God for this most awesome holy gift with you, Lisa. May this advent week sparkle brightly for you, for yours!
I love this Lisa! Yes, more blessed than Mary!
And that’s exactly what Mary did, isn’t it? She heard the word of God and kept it. She was blessed in the same manner we are blessed…in the hearing and keeping of God’s word…and in being used of Him to reflect His glory.
Have a blessed, Christmas!
Lisa- I love contemplating Mary, too! I never thought about it this way before…thanks for the blessing of His word and this awesome truth, we have the Word of God in us forever! Hallelujah!
Pondering Mary has been a theme for me this year too. I love your idea of being more blessed than she since we get to keep him. interesting and fills me with gratitude. Merry Christmas, Lisa!
Neat thoughts, Lisa! Wonderful truths.
A beautiful thought on how blessed we truly are! I am so glad that I stopped here today!!
“Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!” … Oh yes! YES! For always and ever. I had never thought of this before and ponder the true depth of this verse. Thank you for sharing it, Lisa. I am in a pondering place this day after Christmas and find that this brings some tears welling up for our God is so good to us, for us.
Caring through Christ, ~ linda
Lisa, love this Scriptural nugget you shared from Luke 11! Thanks for sharing it with Thought-Provoking Thursday. 🙂
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. I am so thankful for you — you help sharpen me every time I stop by.