5 Enneagram Tests to Determine Your Type {Enneagram Series #5}
Maybe you still don’t know your Enneagram number, even after reading descriptions. If you want more direction, take an Enneagram test to determine your type.
Test results may not solidify what your number is. But they may rule out what your number is not.
A Gentle Nudge
Frankly, Enneagram tests aren’t known for their accuracy. But that doesn’t mean they can’t be helpful. They can at least nudge us in a general direction.
Our highest scores can reveal the top possibilities, and the lowest scores can rule out our least likely numbers.
Here are five tests to choose from. Three are free; two are paid. I’ve taken a few, but not all.
When you take a test, answer each question honestly about who you are now, not who you wish you could be.
Free Enneagram Online Tests
Some expert say don’t waste your time testing free tests. But if you have the time, you’ve got nothing to lose, so why not start with a free test? If the results are unclear or seem inaccurate, you can move on to a paid test.
1. Eclectic Energies Enneagram Tests—Classical Enneagram Test 1 (free)
This test will start narrowing down your type as you answer each question. Once enough questions have been answered, the test ends and your type is determined, along with your wing.
2. The RHETI Sampler (free)
This is 36 questions from the full 144-question RHETI (Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator) test (see below). You select from a pair of statements that most reflects you. They say your Enneagram number will likely be one of the top three scores you get.
3. Your Enneagram Coach Test (free)
Another quick test, this one frames the questions in a Christian framework. You evaluate 54 statements on a 1-5 scale from disagree to agree.
2 Paid Enneagram Online Tests
The paid tests are supposedly more accurate. Again, you decide.
4. Full RHETI Online Enneagram Test
$12. You choose between 144 paired statements. This is the paid version of the sample version above. I’ve seen statistics that this test is more accurate than many, averaging a 72% accuracy rate.
5. Integrative Enneagram Questionnaire (iEQ9)
$60 standard. $120 pro. This is a 175-question assessment, giving you an extensive, detailed, individualized report after you finish. These prices are too high for me, so I’ve not taken this test. But Enneagram expert Ian Morgan Cron gives this test his highest recommendation.
Spiritual Practice #3—Test Yourself and Your Core Longings
Before you take the test, pray Psalm 139, especially v23-24:
“Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!”
Psalm 139:23-24
Let King David remind you: No one knows you like God knows you. And he loves you. No test can prove or disprove your worth to him.
Beth McCord, “Your Enneagram Coach,” offers a free download of core longings for each type. As you test your heart, look at these core longings she gives. See if you are trying to fill them on your own. Beth reminds us that Christ completely satisfies every core longing, allowing our hearts to find true rest in him.
Beth says,
“May you use this knowledge not as a burden, but as a reminder to put your full dependence on Christ.”
Core Longing for Each Enneagram Type
1—Perfectionist. You are good.
2—Helper. You are wanted and loved for just being you.
3—Performer. You are loved and valued for simply being yourself.
4—Individualist. You are fully seen for who you are.
5—Investigator. Your needs are not a problem.
6—Loyalist. You are safe.
7—Enthusiast.You will be taken care of.
8—Challenger. You will not be betrayed.
9—Peacemaker.Your presence matters.
After the test, hold your results loosely. They may be accurate; they may not be.
Either way, remember you are fearfully and wonderfully made, formed by design, for good works by a good God.
“For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.”
Psalm 139:13-14
Have you taken an Enneagram test? Was it helpful? Please share in the comments.
See the whole Enneagram series here
Previous: 3 Ways to Find YOUR Enneagram Number + 9 Healing Attitudes to Accept It {Series #4}
Next: Who Has Your Enneagram Number? Numbers of Famous People and People in the Bible {Series #6}
- 3 Ways to Find YOUR Enneagram Number + 9 Healing Attitudes to Accept It {Enneagram Series #4}
- Who Has Your Enneagram Number? Numbers of Famous People and People in the Bible {Enneagram Series #6}
Love this idea of ruling out the obvious. And one author I read challenged people to “date the enneagram” by trying on a number for size, wearing it for a few days or weeks to see if it bears out as true. That really helped me to relax about identifying my number.
I just took the Enneagram Coach test (one I had never taken before) and the results were that I am a 7, followed by a 2. I will have to think about this. Thanks for providing the resources for insight!
This the 3rd or 4th test and it has be as a 2, so I will embrace it. I’m a wing 1 and I can see that in myself as well. Thanks for sharing the links. One day I may take the lengthy paid test just to see how it pans out.
I loved this list of core longings, Lisa. We must remember that no matter what “type” we are, each one of us is beloved by God.
I have been a 5, and the description on most everything I have read has been consistant with who I am. The ones I took above I was a 7 and another an 8, which I suppose are my strength and stress sides.
Yay for 5’s! That’s what I think I am, too, Jackie. I sometimes struggle to see the 7 in me at all though. ha. My husband is a 7 (if I had to guess!). So we balance each other out. 🙂
I took two free tests several months ago, and they both showed that I was a 2. In fact one of them showed that I was a “Pure 2.” And my friends all chuckled, and said, “Yep, pretty much says it all.” So, I’m hoping to stop back over here when I have more energy and take the free tests you have linked to and see if these tests show anything different. I am so thankful that the Lord does see our core longings and meets us so perfectly right there. Blessings to you as you share these thoughts with all of us!
I took the 12$ test, but I haven’t taken the time to really read through the report. I love the idea of praying Psalm 139 over the process :). Whenever I take tests like this, it seems like I get a lot of numbers that are almost the same (my highest number is only 2 points higher than the next three—which are all only one number apart). I wonder what that means?!
Maybe it means you’re well-balanced, Anita! 🙂
Bookmarking this for later. I have taken a couple of tests but would love to compare them to a couple more of these.
i took test #3.it was great. very helpful! thanks for your post Lisa:)
I took #1, and it typed me correctly, even though I felt I clicked “partly” too often to get reliable results, but I guess that’s part of being a 9… I like to be balanced in the middle rather than absolutes lol
It typed me as a 9, which I agree with. I was surprised because I thought the results would be random since I kept clicking “partly” instead of either yes or no got test 1. But I guess that’s the 9 in me… always looking for the middle ground rather than absolutes lol
Interesting how they design these quizzes … I did three free trees. Results from #2  had a lot of overlap (both had 5,4 & 1 in the top four); #1’s quick test barked up a different tree (6? huh?). I didn’t spot the “Christian framework” in the #3 quiz … is that a Christian site (didn’t venture further than the quiz)?