Do the Work {A Book a Day 3}
—Grace & Truth Linkup

We’ve all been horrified by the killing of another Black man in Memphis last week.

Tyre Nichols was pulled over during a traffic stop on January 7. He was brutally beaten by Memphis police officers, then died three days later in the hospital.

I couldn’t watch the video. I didn’t want to see the images. They’re too cruel.

But I know it happened. I don’t want to block that out. I don’t need to block that out.

I need to understand. Only with awareness will I be able to do the work to help change it. 

Books like this one by W. Kamau Bell and Kate Schatz help us understand what’s going on, Do the Work: An Antiracist Activity Book.

Do the Work

Bell and Schatz help us see that racism goes beyond any individual act or thought.

Racism is steeped in systems. When a system is bad, you can plug any number of characters into it, and get the same bad results.

Do the Work takes a look into the bad systems. And helps us see the bad parts that remain in even some basically good systems.

It’s not enough to not be racist. We need to be proactively anti-racist.

This book may look like a fun activity book, but it’s much, much more.

A favorite quote:

“White people: It can be hard to talk about racism. But it’ll never be as hard as it is to experience racism.

May I never forget that.

Do you have a favorite resource on overcoming racism? Who in your life has helped you be anti-racist? Share your thoughts in the comments.

Read more:

You are on Day #3 of the series, A Book a Day {Nonfiction Favorites}.

Each day of February 2023 I’ll be recommending one book a day from my favorite nonfiction books.

The Table of Contents for all 28 books is here, updated daily.

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A Book a Day: Nonfiction Favorites

The Sleep Solution” {Book 2}

“Bittersweet” {Book 4}

Grace & Truth Featured Post

I have some people I need to forgive right now. You too? And I am always in need of forgiveness by other people (sometimes the two sets intersect).

This forgiveness post by Linda really grabbed my heart. She gives lots of sage advice about forgiveness. But these small paragraphs nestled in the midst of it all are gold:

“But it turns out that forgiveness can be as simple as this:

Finally telling the Lord, ‘I’m done hauling this pain around. You take it. I wish my perpetrator well.’

Yes. That simple.”


Read all of Linda’s wisdom here at her blog, then link up your own blog posts below.

Here’s Why You Should Forgive (and 3 surprising reasons you shouldn’t forget)

Review the linkup rules here about adding your most recent Christian Living posts and how to be the Featured Post. Visit all four hosts social media here or websites here: Maree Dee, Lisa notes, Lauren Sparks, Tammy Kennington.

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21 thoughts on “Do the Work {A Book a Day 3}
—Grace & Truth Linkup

  1. Corinne Rodrigues

    Loved that quote. It applies to any group of priviledged people talking on behalf of the marginalized. In India, it’s the caste system that’s so deeply entrenched. And you’ll be surprised to know how racist we can be towards dark complexioned Indians, anyone of African descent and others!
    Sorry for the ramble….. I feel very strongly about things like this!

    1. Calvonia

      Corinne, I’ve found that to be free around the world in many cultures. It makes me ponder, what it is about dark sin that attract mistreatment. Even Solomon mentioned being mistreated because he was black. (Solomon 1:6)

  2. Jolene Rose

    “We need to be proactively anti racist.” I will be chewing on this thought and what it means today. Thank you for sharing this very important book with us.

    1. Calvonia

      That is a fact Donna. We need to be like Nehemiah, while we are on the wall, fighting for justice, we should pray for those who are stiff-necked and have a hardened heart. Somethings we can do and others can only be changed by God.

  3. Calvonia

    That is a fact Donna. We need to be like Nehemiah, while we are on the wall, fighting for justice, we should pray for those who are stiff-necked and have a hardened heart. Somethings we can do and others can only be changed by God.

  4. Trudy

    Thank you for always standing against racism, Lisa. I love that quote. May we see everyone through Jesus’ eyes! He looks at the heart, not at the outside looks or culture, etc. Love and blessings to you!

  5. Jerralea Winn Miller

    Lisa, you are one of my heroes! Not only do you dare to address what most would rather not talk about, but the sheer volume of things you read holds me in wonder! I used to think of myself as a voracious reader, but I’ve met my match in you!

  6. Lynn D. Morrissey

    Lisa, this is so very important! Thank you. And who of us (no matter how much we want not to admit this) does not harbor some form of prejudice, even if on a subliminal level. It helps, though, when I realize it, to confess that to God and seek His forgiveness. It also helps me to listen, to keep my mouth shut when those who have been targeted and brutalized because of their race share their experience and not offer them opinions (iow, to listen with compassion and to know I can’t possibly know what they personally feel or experience), to speak out against the horrors of crime perpetrated against our Black brothers and sisters (or any race other than White) and not to remain silent in these instances, to read, to make friends from other races (I’m of European descent… so for me, I’ve made African-American, Chinese, and Arab friends), and to be loving and kind…. to invite people into our home and into my heart. Also I love the work of my childhood friend Lynne Madison Jackson, who is the great-great granddaughter of Dred Scott, whose Supreme Court case catapulted the Civil War. Lynne and I lost touch in the 3rd grade (we were best friends) when my family moved away. She found me several years ago on FB!! (FB does have its good side). Her work in racial reconciliation and education is tireless and vital. I highly commend her work to you. Others who have helped me: My precious 92 y/o mother who loves all people, my late dear nonagenarian friend Myrtle who was an African-American matriarch of our church (but didn’t know it–she was so humble), but who loved me as a 30-something impetuous new Christian, and to whom I went regularly for prayer and counsel, those I met when I worked in a nearly all-Black environment for several years, Patricia Raybon, an African-American, marvelous author whose work I so greatly admire (she and I met virtually when we both wrote professionally for Dr. Charles Stanley’s In Touch Magazine–do ck out her website and books). Another book I’d recommend is A Credible Witness by Brenda Salter McNeil. I also read Frederick Douglass’s autobiography on the real story of slavery as told by a slave who finally, through much suffering and degradation, broke from this oppression, through to freedom. His story is gripping and raw. Every American should read it. Thank you again for your heart for all people and calling out racism time and again! xo Lynn

  7. Liz Dexter

    Regarding the book, would you say it was very entrenched in US systems/history or more widely applicable? Because our racism is different here (not less, not all different, but different) I tend to look for universal or UK based stuff at the moment, though do have broader reads as well.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      For the historical and present-day examples, this book is more oriented towards United States. It does contains principles that apply across the board to any culture, anywhere, but if you’re looking for more universal or UK stuff, this might not address those specifically. Good question, Liz.

  8. Gayl

    Lisa, I’m with you. I couldn’t watch the video but I don’t want to forget what happened. We know there are problems and sometimes we feel so small to make any difference. One thing that has really helped me in the area of racism is to remember that all human beings are created in God’s image. No one race is better than another. I really believe progress has been made, but there is still a long way to go. As long as some people think they are better than others (in any culture) there will be racism. May we work to overcome that. Blessings to you, Lisa! I’m your neighbor at #InspireMeMonday.

  9. Maria

    Lisa, thank you from one human to another for addressing another vicious, hateful murder of a Black man at the hands of the police. Racism is from Satan and he uses it to destroy God’s beautiful creation whatever skin color they are. When my white sisters and brothers in Christ begin to learn how they are a part of the problem as well as the solution, there is hope.

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