Dear Risk, I know we’re not close friends
Dear Risk,
I know we’re not close friends. You make me nervous. But I want to make peace with you anyway.
Because I need you.
Without embracing you as a partner in my life . . .
- I don’t move forward,
- I don’t fulfill my purpose to honor God,
- I don’t take chances, make mistakes, get messy (to quote one of my heroes, Ms. Frizzle).
Like it or not, Risk, we’re in this together. God wants us linked, so let’s get going.
Tomorrow, I may try to push you to the back of the bus again because you do make me nervous. Just don’t let me kick you off the bus altogether. Work with me. You understand, right? You know me better than I know you.
But for today, we’ve got things to do.
So come on, Risk. Buckle up, everyone! To the bus!
Your reluctant but willing associate,
* * *
How comfortable are you with risk? Let’s talk in the comments.
revised from the archives
- Don’t believe everything you think
- Avoid these 5 mistakes for hometown missions
I like challenges. I think my approach to risk is often determined on how it will affect others. Since I’m a pastor I realize I have so many others to “answer to/for” than just myself. I will sometimes hold back on a risk for the sake of others.
yep, i’m a reluctant risk taker. i like to play it safe and i adore my comfort zone where i know all is well.
a very timely challenge today, Lisa … and i love the pop of color from your image. it’s waking me up!
i hope this week’s just super for you, friend …
I LOVE the graphic!!!!!!
I’ve always tried to limit risks to the ‘unavoidable’ category. I have no patience for thrillseeking, though it does provide work for first responders (and can cull the idiots from the community).
I learned early on that we are all assets; expendable assets to be sure, but being expended (or risking it) is only justifiable when the task at hand makes such a course of action necessary.
I’ve done things that were suicidal because there were no other options, and I’ve risked all in training to be able to do them, because there are simply no simulators for some things. And some activities which have looked like madness were, with the right training and conditioning, quite safe (like exiting a moving car at 60mph…bit of a bore after the first couple of times).
Financial risk…well, I figure not to risk more than I can afford to lose. Period.
Spiritual risk…one should be very careful when facing down evil, driven by the devil himself. I’ve done it, and was nearly lost for eternity. The memory of the implacability of the darkness still makes me shudder.
And I still LOVE that delightful graphic! Just had to say it again! 🙂
Hah! I love your opening line.
Yes, I tend to avoid risk…I guess most people do. Even knowing it is inevitable…and agreeing with God that I will not live my life based on fear…I still tend to gravitate to the comfortable.
God has a way of pushing me outside my comfort zone, though… 🙂
WOW! This really speaks to me. And I love that you wrote a letter to “Risk.” Somehow, it makes it feel real and that I am writing that letter as well.
I have some pondering to do!!
love you, ~ linda
I am not close friends with risk, either, but when we have had to journey together, keeping a close grip on my Savior’s hand reassures me even when I never know what the outcome of risk will be.
Lisa, I love your approach to this topic!
I recently took a risk and it paid off in a great way!
Hmm, just what sort of risks are we talking about here? I guess if I have to ask the question, I’m probably not a risk-taker, lol! I’m definitely not a risk-taker when it comes to personal safety {or the safety of others}, but I am willing to try new things, and I’m not afraid to fail. I don’t consider myself someone who is fearful in general. But we all have a comfort zone, even those who do things that most of us would consider risky! they just have a wider zone, lol. Great topic, Lisa, I’ll be stopping back by to see what others have to contribute!
Hi Lisa,
I recognized the cartoon image right away. My son enjoys the Magic School bus shows.
This idea of risk is necessary, huh? Rob Eager of Wildfire Marketing was just talking about today in his Monday Marketing tip email. It’s a double whammy for me today. Hmm. Thanks. 🙂
Have a great week,
Jennifer Dougan
It is not risk that I fear, but the unknown on the other side, but sometimes the only thing you can do is jump!
Cute! 🙂 It is a necessary part of forward movement isn’t it? Otherwise, we’re stagnant and less useful to the Kingdom. “Cc” me on that letter, would ya? 🙂 ((Merry Christmas, Lisa))
I could have written that myself. I might also send a copy to Risk’s twin sisters, Dare and Dream. But, they are all a part of life, as you said. And, if you think about it, there’s a certain amount of all three in choosing to follow Jesus. For after all, isn’t it true that our belief in Jesus is stepping out of what we can “prove” into the realm of anything-but-safe faith?! The Narrow Way is full of risky and daring purposes. But we go because our Savior has ordained the dream…
I remind myself quite often of a couple of verses, “What can man do to me?” And, “Whom shall I fear?”
As long as we’re revering our Father more than we are fearing the world, I think we’re in good shape.
Go get ’em, girl!
This makes me smile. Great approach. I listen to a podcast last fall that essentially personified fear. she said she knew fear would come along on her journey but she wouldn’t let them drive the car. Similar image, pushing them to the back of the bush, love it