Raise Your Hallelujah

Yesterday I asked for prayers for my friend in ICU. THANK YOU for your gracious responses, publicly and privately. I appreciate your faith, your care, and your hope. This song…
Read moreYesterday I asked for prayers for my friend in ICU. THANK YOU for your gracious responses, publicly and privately. I appreciate your faith, your care, and your hope. This song…
Read moreWhen You Hear the Singing You mainly hear whirs and swishes and clicks of machines in ICU. My best friends and I are spending many hours standing vigil there the…
Read moreHope. It comes from somewhere. It has a source. I love how The Message phrases these next few verses (Psalm 62:5-8). Read them slowly. Let them go deep. “God, the…
Read moreNot So Quick Which is it, Solomon? Don’t answer a fool. You’ll only look foolish yourself (Proverbs 26:4). Answer a fool. Otherwise he’ll think he’s wise (Proverbs 26:5). The Bible…
Read moreIn honor of Presidents’ Day, below are three quotes on remaining hopeful. One from a distant President, one from a Republican President, and one from a Democrat President. May we…
Read more“I will never give up hope or stop praising you.” Psalm 71:14 David made a bold statement there. I repeat it in my head. But it’s not always true in…
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