After Death, More Life

After death more alive than ever

As if on cue, the mother died, too.

Exactly two weeks after her son.

We lost our friend Stan on March 15. He first went to the hospital for a surgery early January. After a short stay in rehab, he went home. But days later, a serious infection set in. He returned to the hospital. While in the hospital, his elderly mother took a fall.

Like Stan, she, too, recovered from her initial surgery and left the hospital.

And also like Stan, she returned to the hospital again. Never to walk out.

I visited her on the Tuesday before she died. She looked peaceful, and with my imagination, looked like I had remembered her from years ago, even though she had greatly aged.

But early Friday morning, I dreamed about her. In my dream, she had been released from the hospital and I was shocked to see her up so quickly. She looked younger than ever, more healthy than ever. She had walked over to get a cup of water. We chatted about how good she felt.

And I woke up.

Later Friday night, I got word that she had passed on.

And again I woke up.

After death doesn’t come destruction. Yes, our physical bones decay and our earthly body returns to earth. But in reality, we’re more alive than ever. Stan’s mom is indeed now younger than ever, more healthy than ever. She is full and whole and happy.

She is again with her son Stan. Both rejuvenated. Both recovered. Both very much alive.

Both together.

* * *

And this is the hope we have.

Have you lost anyone you love lately? Lose any two people close in time? Please share in the comments.


27 thoughts on “After Death, More Life

  1. Andrew Budek-Schmeisser

    I’m so sorry, Lisa. What a hard season of loss.

    As the pain and tumours spread,
    and my life is quite undone,
    people wonder, and have said,
    “Why not think of the world to come?
    Why not evoke the new beginning,
    the sunlight and the love-filled rain?
    Why hold fast to this life’s ending,
    why embrace the searing pain?”
    The answer is, I’m privileged
    to carry cancer’s crushing load,
    and while the honour’s double-edged
    I’m on the glory road.
    This is my manhood’s final test,
    and I’m resolved to do my best.

    Lisa, you may want to know…as I went to post this comment I noticed that the name/email/website form was pre-polulated with Joanne Viola’s information.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      “The answer is, Iโ€™m privileged
      to carry cancerโ€™s crushing load,”
      Not many would be brave enough to write that. Thanks for sharing, Andrew.

      (And ugh about the form…been trying for months to eliminate that problem and haven’t succeeded yet. Thanks for letting me know to keep working at it!)

  2. Lesley

    I’m sorry for these losses. That is especially tough them coming so close together. I love the dream you had and the reminder it gives that death is not the end and that we have the hope of being reunited with loved ones and seeing everyone fully restored.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Thanks, Lesley. I was thankful for that dream. I didn’t know at the time that it would be the actual day of Stan’s mom’s passing. But for me it was a timely reminder that better things were ahead, not just behind, for her–for all of us.

  3. Barbara Harper

    How difficult for family and friends to have two losses so close together. Even though we don’t sorrow as those who have no hope – we still sorrow. But we rejoice in the truths you shared here. Our church is reading through Ecclesiastes and just read last week thee part about it better to go to the house of morning than feasting (Ecc. 7:2-5). We discussed how death has a way or bringing eternal truths into clearer focus. May God comfort you and the family and friends.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I appreciate those thoughts, Barbara. I know y’all have been going through your own season of loss and new adjustment. I know you feel it most keenly when their physical presence was part of your everyday life.

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  5. bill (cycleguy)

    Thanks for the good word today Lisa. i referenced this in my post for today on the death of a friend and the visitation and funeral that starts today. Death is an enemy defeated at the cross. Praise God we will dance and it will not be our imagination.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Your post brought tears to my eyes, Bill. What a hard journey that family has faced. I’m sure they appreciate all the time and prayers and love you have given them, and will continue to show them. The temporary separation of death still brings us lots of pain, but yes, praise God that one day our faith will be made sight.

  6. Laurie

    Lisa, I am so sorry for the loss of your friend and his mother in such a short amount of time. Stan and his mother are fine, but those left behind to grieve them need God’s tender care. Praying for you at this time of loss.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Exactly, Laurie. I’m so happy for Stan and his mom. Stan and Kathy also had lost a daughter, Lori, in a horrible car wreck when she was only 10 years old. The thought of Stan and Lori’s reunion when Stan made it home to her brings me such joy. But yes, for those of us still on this side, we miss them all and grieve. ๐Ÿ™

  7. Michele Morin

    Lisa, so sorry for this experience of serial loss. It’s hard to recover in the middle, but it sure sounds like you ‘ve got your theology straight on death, and there’s nothing like a good dose of right thinking about God to get through a hard season.

  8. Catherine Sokolowski

    I still look for comforting words after losing my mom 2 1/2 years ago. I have the same faith as you and your words were truly comforting. I do see the strong woman when I think of my mom’s existence now, not the feeble, elderly person she wound up to be. I know she is happier now and when I read posts like yours that confirm it, it is heartwarming. Thank you! So sorry about your two losses ๐Ÿ™

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I’m sorry about you losing your mother, Catherine. I lost my mother to Alzheimer’s. For the first few years afterward, whenever I would dream of her, she still had Alzheimer’s. But gradually my dreams of her returned to my pre-Alzheimer’s Mom. I’m glad you’re able to remember your mom, too, as the strong person she was most of her life. And knowing that she is even stronger now! That brings me joy when I think of my own mom as whole and happier than ever.

  9. Linda Stoll

    dear Lisa.

    i’m so sorry for this double loss. it takes your breath away.

    as you know, we lost my dad and our little grandson within 2 months of each other. it was quite a complex grief in the midst of a pile of other transitions.

    He speaks peace in the midst of it all …

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Yes, I remember that horrible proximity of you losing two such precious members of your family, Linda. ๐Ÿ™ Amidst your move, etc. So much change at one time—even when some of the changes were positive ones—is definitely difficult to navigate when one is grieving. Grief is such an overwhelming emotion. I’m so grateful God speaks peace through it all, too. I appreciate you leaving this word here today.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I appreciate your words, Martha. My heart aches for my own loss of my friend, but also for the greater grief that his wife and daughter and grandkids live with every single day. ๐Ÿ™ But knowing of the rejoicing on the other side does help.

  10. Jean Wise

    so sorry for your loss. We do have the hope, the truth, that they are together in heaven. I know at times I think they even get a peek into our lives and smile. Heaven will be home wont it?

  11. Donna Reidland

    What a blessing when we lose believing loved ones to know that death is not the end, but the beginning of a new and glorious life and that we will see them again one day. We do grieve but not as those who are without hope!

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