5 Snapshots of Time
—Grace & Truth Linkup

Today is our Grace & Truth linkup. Add your links below.

A New One Word 2021 Group

Lately I’ve been lingering in my memories. “Linger” is the word I chose for 2020. Little did we realize how much lingering we each would do in our own spaces in 2020!

I’ve also been thinking ahead about my One Word for 2021. So I’m creating a One Word community for 2021.

Sign up for the One Word 2021 group here.

It will be a low-key group where we can:

  • Share about our One Words once a month
  • Listen to others share about their One Words
  • Help each other stay accountable to practice our individual word throughout the year

On the 21st day of each month I’ll offer my blog as home for you to share your own progress (or lack thereof) via comments or your own blog posts or Instagram posts. I’m also setting up a Facebook group for those interested in more interactions throughout each month.

More information about the One Word 2021 community is on my blog here

5 Snapshots of Lingering in Time

Here are 5 pictures (and my One Second Everyday video) from last month, reflecting on time—past, present, and future.

If you can’t see the 40-second video, click here


Cushman Golfster

My husband Jeff has a gift for connecting with the older generation, listening to them talk about their past, about the toys they grew up with, the lives they lived. One such toy is Cushman scooters. Jeff’s hobby is buying old Cushmans, working on them awhile, then selling them to those who want them. This is a unique one, a 1961-ish Cushman Golfster.


Our granddaughters were with us on November 13 this year, the birthday and death anniversary of our precious middle daughter Kali 27 years ago. Our granddaughter got to wish Aunt Kali a “Happy Birthday” and leave flowers on her grave.


Living in 2020 has brought many firsts. This was our first all-outdoors Thanksgiving. Thankfully it was a semi-warm, totally sunny day at my in-laws’ house. But who knows?—this could be the beginning of a brand new tradition (except I hope we’ll not have to keep a 6-foot distance again).


I love watching my youngest daughter Jenna and Trey grow into their marriage. They have a bright future together. They are both avid photographers, so Trey rowed Jenna to the pelicans who were also visiting my in-laws on Thanksgiving Day so she could get closer photos of them. 


Our oldest granddaughter always asks to see the rockets when she comes to our house. This trip we took her to the Space and Rocket Center near us to walk among the rockets. My father spent his career building rockets and the Space Shuttle for NASA so I love that she is interested in them. Jeff also builds rockets for his job, so I feel past, present, and future all combined in this photo.  

Featured Post—Laurie’s One Word 2021

As Laurie reflected on her 2020 word (“humility”) she was given a wonderful followup word for 2021.

“As it turned out, 2020 was the perfect year to consider humility. The pandemic reminded me often to be humble; my thin illusion of control was regularly shattered.

Each year I have allowed my word to come to me, rather than searching one out. This year, I knew my word for 2021 months ago.

My word is empty.”

Read her beautiful post here. Then add your own posts below.

My Word of the Year
by Laurie

Grace and Truth_Rules

1. Share 1 or 2 of your most recent CHRISTIAN LIVING posts. (No DIY, crafts, recipes, or inappropriate articles.) All links are randomly sorted.

2. Comment on 1 or 2 other links. Grace & Truth linkup encourages community.   

3. Every host features one entry from the previous week. To be featured, include this button or link back here on your post (mandatory to be featured, but not to participate).

Grace Truth_Button

Grace and Truth_Meet Hosts

We encourage you to follow our hosts on their blogs or social media.

MAREE DEE – Embracing the Unexpected
Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest

Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest

Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest

LISA BURGESS – Lisa notes
Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest

Now Let’s Link Up!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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Did you choose One Word for 2020? Do you have one yet for 2021? Share your thoughts in the comments.

And also let me know in the comments if you’re interested in learning more about the One Word 2021 community!

21 thoughts on “5 Snapshots of Time
—Grace & Truth Linkup

  1. Laurie

    Lisa, so much to love in this post. Of course, the photos of your granddaughters are precious! The fact that you included them in your remembrance of your daughter who passed away just tugs on my heartstrings. Prayers and virtual hugs to you, dear friend.

    I am definitely interested in joining your One Word link-up. I used to belong to another monthly link-up that focused on your word for the year, but that appears to have gone defunct. I like the reminder to focus on my word at least once a month. Please send the information to me as it becomes available.

    Finally, thank you for featuring my post.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Thanks for sharing your post with us, Laurie. You always have good insights and I love reading your blog.

      I’m glad you’re interested in the One Word community! I was in a group previously but I couldn’t figure out how to interact with it. ha. With a smaller group of us I think we could manage easier. I’ll send you an email about it within the next few weeks.

  2. Martha Jane Orlando

    Your photos and commentary are lovely, Lisa! I think it’s wonderful that your oldest granddaughter is showing an interest in rockets, too. Virginia is into everything space and science, and I’m glad she’s showing a penchant for both.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I particularly love when girls are interested in science and math subjects. 🙂 I was always a math fan myself (but I also loved language stuff, oh well). I hope Virginia maintains her interest in both space and science. Maybe she can come to Space Camp one year. It’s a super fun and educational week for kids.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      It’s been a fun project to do the one second videos. Many of them are just mundane moments around the house. 🙂 But even those are things that constitute our lives and I want to value them too. Thanks, Rebecca.

  3. Trudy

    Your snapshots bring out so many emotions, Lisa. I love them! According to the video, it looks like your youngest granddaughter is walking. 🙂 Love and blessings to you!

  4. Marielle

    I don’t always choose a word of the year, but last January I felt a pull to choose Faith as my word for 2020. My how that has been a necessity for me in 2020! Not just for the pandemic either. As I lean into faith, I’m strengthened and find joy and gratitude in the everyday. Haven’t felt inspired or chosen one for 2021 yet! I wonder what it will bring? Thanks for hosting!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Isn’t it interesting how we were all naive with our one word at the beginning of the year! ha. But thankfully God had bigger purposes for them. Faith has definitely been an instrumental word for this year. I love that you chose that, Marielle. I’ve discovered God needing to shine through a few cracks in my own faith this year. I’m ready for 2021. I think. lol.

  5. David

    The One Word 2021 group is an excellent idea! Please sign me up. I don’t have a word yet … a word is emerging … but I like the idea of group accountability and celebration.

    Also love your past-present-future theme! Very young children seem to encapsulate all our hopes and optimism for the future, and for humanity — one of the reasons I think why Christmas is so popular with non-religious people — and perhaps one reason why infant death or miscarriage is so heartbreaking.


    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Yay! I’m glad you’re interested in the one word group too, David. I’ll send you the email about it within the next two weeks. I have a strong inclination what my word will be, but I haven’t settled fully on it yet. Still tweaking.

      I find it interesting that while children do point us toward the future, yet at the same time they keep us grounded in the present. I tend to be most present when I’m playing with little ones.

  6. Teresa Richardson

    I have been choosing a word for the year for a few years now. My word for 2020 was Speak. With all the chaos from Covid and the election, I did not speak God’s Word as much as I should. I believe my word for 2021 is Declare.

  7. Nancy Ruegg

    Lisa, where did you live when your dad helped to build rockets for NASA? We lived in Satellite Beach, FL in the mid-70s, just south of Patrick Air Force Base. A lot of men in our church worked at Cape Canaveral; our daughter was born at Cape Canaveral Hospital. Just wondered if we have a connection there!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      How interesting! My father worked at NASA in Huntsville, Alabama. He often took work trips to Cape Canaveral though, as does my husband (well, he DID, pre-covid). I’ve been to the area many times with him and absolutely love it there. Especially the beaches. 🙂

  8. Nancy Ruegg

    It was a lovely area to live. At the time, condos were just beginning to dot the coastline; most of the beaches were wide open. Satellite Beach boasted just 8,000 people. We haven’t been back for a long time; probably would recognize very little now!

  9. Shannan Malone

    My word for 2020 was Savor and it was a great reminder throughout 2020 to savor the newfound time with my family, not rush around attending meetings, doing things (thanks Covid LOL).
    I’m considering Air for 2021 but haven’t decided. I would love to be a part of the One Word community.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I love the word Savor. It is akin to my Linger! I guess we have to give a tiny hand clap to the pandemic if ONLY for helping us reprioritize our families. But that’s all I’ll give to covid. lol. Air sounds like a fantastic word choice. I did “Breathe” in 2010, and I found it to be VERY relevant throughout the whole year, but kind of like this year in both good and hard ways. So happy you’ll be part of our community.

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