How Can I Make a Difference Today?
—Grace & Truth Linkup

It’s been a heavy week as we waited on the jury results from Derek Chauvin’s trial in the death of George Floyd.

Even with the guilty verdict in this case, we still know things are not as they could be. They’re not as they should be.

My mind rumbles with questions:

  • What immediate changes can we make culture-wide?
  • How can we show love more visibly to all peoples?
  • How can we do better as a society now so there isn’t a “next time” later?

I get quickly overwhelmed. These thoughts run through my head without landing on many concrete solutions.


But when I slow down and and pray it through, I remember what Jesus did first: He loved those right around him.

I can do this, too: Love those right around me.

New questions surface: 

  • Who will I see today?
  • Who can I talk to?
  • Who can I exchange love with in the next hour—me to them and they to me?

The big systemic issues still need addressing. Today. And tomorrow. Jesus addressed those, too.

But perhaps the people right beside me now can guide me in addressing the inequity issues for today. And I can help them.

We do none of this alone.

The people we do it with and the people we do it for make all the difference. Maybe it’s an old friend who will come to mind over lunch. Or maybe it’s someone new we will meet tomorrow.

Either way, it’s people. People are not only our who, but also our why, our how, our what.

Love the people, beginning with the people right beside me.

That’s what I can do today.

Featured Post

Cami shared a beautiful post in last week’s linkup on this same topic.

“Sometimes, at the end of a long week, I find myself wondering if I’ve made any kind of a difference in my little circle of people.”

I was immediately drawn to her post. And she delivered. She shares 3 observations on how to love like Jesus loves.

Read all of Cami’s post here at Insta Encouragements, then link your own blog posts below.

3 Ways to Love Like Jesus Loves


1. Share 1 or 2 of your most recent CHRISTIAN LIVING posts. (No DIY, crafts, recipes, or inappropriate articles.) All links are randomly sorted.

2. Comment on 1 or 2 other links. Grace & Truth linkup encourages community.   

3. Every host features one entry from the previous week. To be featured, include this button or link back here on your post (mandatory to be featured, but not to participate).

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MAREE DEE – Embracing the Unexpected
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Have you felt overwhelmed too? Who can you love right beside you today? Share your thoughts in the comments.

14 thoughts on “How Can I Make a Difference Today?
—Grace & Truth Linkup

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I’ve been participating in an online book study on 1 Corinthians with a group of ladies in a local church here. When we got to 1 Corinthians 13 last week, we read an excerpt by Max Lucado on substituting his own name for “love” in that chapter. He said it was painfully untrue for him. I’m sure it would be equally hard for all us.

  1. Lois Flowers

    “Love those right around me.” Lisa, that’s a wonderful, life-giving mandate that each and every one of us can work on, no matter what is happening in the world around us. Hugs, friend.

  2. Lynn

    I daily journaled with questions that asked: Who can I bless today? What is one thing I could do today to bless someone? I haven’t done that for awhile and you’ve reminded me that I really do need to bring this back into my daily practice!

  3. Anita+Ojeda

    One of the hardest things for me is for most of my life I haven’t really been around people who aren’t just like me. I’ve never gone out of my way to seek friendships outside my normal circle—which means I’m cutting myself off from so many rich experiences. I’ve been on a quest the last four or five years to broaden my horizons!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I can tell by your blog posts that you have broad horizons, Anita! I love reading your book recommendations and hearing the stories of your students. I admire the work you are doing, my friend.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      You are so right, Barb! And I often remind myself too that a difference is also made when we allow others to love us. I’m grateful that it goes all directions!

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