3 Ideas for Your Word {One Word 2023 February Linkup}

3 Ways to Engage Your One Word 2023

Link all of your One Word blog posts below. Share an update about your One Word in the comments.

Stay Engaged with Your One Word

Still remember your One Word? If you feel your interest slipping already, plan something new to do with your word in the next few weeks.

Listen for a song with your word in the title or theme. Add it to your playlist or print out the lyrics.

For my word HUMAN, one of my nieces sent me to Human Heart” by Coldplay. It’s a powerfully moving acappella song. The chorus is:

Oh, my human heart
Night and day, light and dark
Any day could be torn in half 
Only got a human heart

And yesterday I discovered this song, Perfectly Loved” by Rachael Lampa:

You’re perfectly human
Made from the dust
You’ve got a heart, broken and scarred,
Yet perfectly loved

What song have you found about your word?

Find a poem, a scripture, or a quote about your word. Record yourself reading it and listen to it once a day for a week.

Here are a couple favorites I found for HUMAN.

“It’s a wonder I haven’t abandoned all my ideals, they were so absurd and impractical. Yet I cling to them because I will believe, in spite of everything, that people [humans] are truly good at heart.”
– Anne Frank (1929-45)

Human life is as short-lived as grass. It blossoms like a flower in the field.”
– Psalm 103:15 (GW)

Do you have a verse or quote with your word in it?

Add a new visual of your word somewhere in your home or office. The more you see it, the more you’ll live it.

I printed out a quote and scripture to hang on my refrigerator with my little Human magnet.

This One Word February linkup will remain open for two weeks through Thursday, March 9. Each link shared here will also be shared with our One Word Facebook group

Next month’s One Word linkup will be Thursday, March 23 (every linkup in ’23 will be on the 23rd).

If you’d like to receive our monthly One Word emails .

Do you have a favorite song, scripture, or quote with your One Word?

Leave a comment here about your One Word.

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16 thoughts on “3 Ideas for Your Word {One Word 2023 February Linkup}

  1. Andrew Budek-Schmeisser

    Ask what word inspires me
    on the trip around the sun this year,
    and I’ll reply in shouted glee
    that my One Word is BEER!
    A foamy lager ‘fore the sun
    comes rising in the east.
    A Real Ale pint, or more than one,
    for a breakfast feast.
    Guinness for a midday meal
    sounds way past pretty good
    as a way to keep it real
    (and I’m saving cash on food!).
    For supper, pilsner’s all I need;
    Drunk ‘fore Dishonour is my creed.

    Not entirely tongue in cheek; beer reduces a cancer-induced cough and nausea so I actually can eat. Unfortunately, my body processes alcohol differently now, so I don’t even get mildly drunk.

  2. Corinne Rodrigues

    As always, your posts are such a great reminder to stay focused on our words. Thank you for this, Lisa. I’ll have my post up on Monday. In the meantime, I’m catching up on the posts linked in last month, that I’m so behind on!
    Love your little magnet! ♥

  3. Lynn

    Yes, thank you for the reminder, Lisa! I’ve been challenged with my word – trying to simplify when I have a very full schedule, including my upcoming marriage, a move, a change of career, school courses, my current job…haha! I guess God knew I’d make it more complicated, so He put “simplify” on heart.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Oh, wow, congratulations on all the upcoming changes in your life, Lynn! That sounds quite overwhelming seeing all these things together. I can see how complicated that could be, so good for God on giving you “simplify.” 🙂

  4. Lisa Blair

    My journey with my WOTY – leadership – has been interesting so far as I’m learning the foundation of leadership is humility, so my deep-dive has been humility for the first two months, Lisa.

  5. Cecelia Lester

    My Word of the Year- Forgiven, and its related words, find me. in my Bible reading, in my spiritual reading, and in my prayers. First thing I seem to do is ask God to forgive me for anything He looks on as sinful in my actions that day.

  6. Donna

    Thank you, Lisa, for your encouraging and creative ways of staying engaged with our words! So far, I’m still exploring songs (tons with “Hope”, but none that resonate with me right now) and quotes and poems, galore! Stay tuned.
    But I did find a visual which has truly kept me anchored to my word!

  7. Jodee

    Love the ideas on staying engaged with your word. I like the fridge magnet. I need to post my word Intentional on my refrigerator as a reminder to eat intentionally.

  8. Gayl

    Love the idea of finding a song. “Abide with Me” is a hymn we used to sing years ago. Here’s the first verse:
    “Abide with me, fast falls the eventide
    The darkness deepens Lord, with me abide
    When other helpers fail and comforts flee
    Help of the helpless, oh, abide with me”
    The post I’m linking up doesn’t speak of abide until near the end, but I offer it as a way to face threats like what I wrote about in the first part of the post.
    Blessings to you, Lisa!

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